Food Science Senior Spotlight - Malerie Kleiman

Malerie Kleiman headshot

Hometown: Greenfield, Indiana

Major: Food Science

Why did you choose Purdue Food Science: One of my high school teachers thought Food Science would be a good fit for me. I've always loved science, and combined with my passion for food, it is a perfect mix! Purdue's program is also unmatched!

Malerie Kleiman in food processing facility

What made your Purdue experience great?: The people! From friends to classmates to professors, each one has made every day at Purdue special and memorable.

Favorite Purdue Tradition: The bell tower

Favorite club/organization: Shoemaker Cooperative

Malerie Kleiman at Shoemaker Cooperative

Favorite spot on campus: Horticulture garden

Places you have been as a Purdue student: I had the opportunity to study abroad in France last summer and learned so much about the culture, history, and food! I've also traveled to Utah and Ohio for summer internships.

Malerie Kleiman in France

Favorite thing about Purdue Food Science and/or the College of Agriculture: The small, tight-knit community within food science is unmatched, and the College of Ag presents so many opportunities for everyone.

Future plans after graduation: Upon graduation, I will begin my career with Nestle Purina in Davenport, Iowa as a Quality Management Development Associate. Long term, I hope to build a career that I am passionate about.

Advice for underclassmen: Take every opportunity you can. Get as involved as possible and focus on what you care about most.

Malerie Kleiman with friends at Shoemaker Cooperative