Food Science Senior Spotlight - Taylor Main

Taylor Main headshot

Hometown: Oneida, Illinois

Major: Food Science

Minors: Biochemistry, Fermentation Science

Why did you choose Purdue Food Science: Food science brought together my passions for people, agriculture, food, and science and applied them to the world.

What made your Purdue experience great?: The people. The connections and relationships I have made while at Purdue have been the icing on the cake to my education.

Taylor Main with a group of people

Favorite Purdue Tradition: Den pops from Discount Den

Favorite memory of your time at Purdue: Having breakfast at the President's House with Mitch Daniels and the 2022 Purdue Old Masters.

Favorite club/organization: Purdue Old Masters

Taylor Main with Purdue's World's Largest Drum

What other activities or organizations did you participate in while at Purdue?: Purdue National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Team, 2022 Summer College of Agriculture Research Fellowship (SCARF), Food Science Envoy

Favorite Purdue event: Purdue basketball games

Favorite spot on campus: Purdue Memorial Union

Places you have been as a Purdue student: I traveled to Kansas City and St. Louis, MO for the NAMA National Marketing Competition; and I went to Chicago, IL for the IFT Expo to present my poster of my undergraduate research.

Taylor Main with research poster

Favorite thing about Purdue Food Science and/or the College of Agriculture: It's a small world on a relatively large campus. I attended a small high school with a graduating class of 30 where everyone knew everyone. When I came to a large school like Purdue, I worried I wouldn't have the same connections with my classmates, staff, and professors. But Purdue Food Science has become my home away from home. I love being able to walk into Nelson and know everyone that I see in the hallways and in my classes.

Favorite professor: Dr. Senay Simsek

Favorite class: Food Chemistry FS 453 - I love Dr. Reddivari and the class is a combination of my my favorite subjects: food and chemistry!

Taylor Main in a food science lab

Biggest accomplishment at Purdue: My biggest accomplishment at Purdue was serving as the 2022 Directing Co-chair and President of Purdue Old Masters to successfully plan and execute the 2022 Old Master's Program. In my time with the organization, I met so many different students, faculty, staff, and alumni from across Purdue's campus and formed connections that will last well beyond my undergraduate years.

Future plans after graduation: I am planning on attending medical school to earn my MD or DO.

Long term career goals: My long term career goal is to become a rural physician to continue to bring my passions for science, people, and agriculture together.

Advice for underclassmen: There are countless opportunities for you at Purdue and only 4 (or so) years to take advantage of them. They won't come knocking on your door so take initiative to get as much out of your time as you can.

Biggest takeaway from your time at Purdue: A Purdue degree is more than a promise of a prestigious education. It's the opportunities for growing and fine-tuning skills outside of the classroom that make Purdue students succeed beyond its campus.