Food Science Senior Spotlight - Ava Ralston

Ava Ralston head shot

Hometown: Batesville, Indiana

Major: Food Science

Minors: Fermentation Science, International Studies in Agriculture

Why did you choose Purdue Food Science: I have always enjoyed cooking and baking. I wanted to combine my interest in food with a career that also involved science and math. Purdue Food Science stuck out to me as in-state student because of its proximity to home and outstanding academic program. Even when I visited, the program felt like a family.

What made your Purdue experience great?: The people and atmosphere at Purdue has made my experience wonderful. From meeting people on my dorm floor, in classes, and at clubs, the people I surround myself with and friends I've made along the way inside and outside the Food Science program have made my Purdue experience great.

 Ava and friends

Favorite Purdue Tradition: Fountain Run


Favorite teacher: Dr. Young-Hee Cho

Favorite class: FS 491 Sauces and Pickles because it involves product development and hands-on learning of concepts I learned in fundamental classes such as food chemistry.

Favorite memory of your time at Purdue: Time spent with friends hanging out or going to sporting events

Favorite club/organization: Food Science Club

What other activities or organizations did you participate in while at Purdue?: International Agricultural Ambassador, Purdue Food Science Envoy, Purdue Boiler Gold Rush Team Leader, Institute of Food Technology Smart Snacks for Kids Product Development Team Member, and Purdue Cru

Ava and classmates at IFT First

Favorite social activity: Thanksgiving meals

Favorite thing about Purdue Food Science and/or the College of Agriculture: It feels like a second family.

Favorite Purdue event: Purdue volleyball, football, and basketball games

Favorite spot on campus: HSEE library in STEW

Places you have been as a Purdue student: Summer 2023 - Research and Development intern at Egglife Foods Inc. in Wolcott, IN. Summer 2024 - Research and Development Intern with Newly Weds Foods Inc. in Erlanger, KY. Spring Break 2022 - Study abroad in Costa Rica to study agricultural, environmental, and community sustainability. Spring Semester 2023 – Semester abroad in Thessaloniki, Greece to study agriculture and food. Spring break 2024 – Mission trip to Mexico with Purdue Cru.

Ava and her class during study abroad trip to Coast Rica

Biggest accomplishments at Purdue: IFTSA 2022 SMART Snacks Group Finalist, internships with Egglife Foods Inc. and Newly Weds Foods Inc., and my experiences abroad.

Future plans after graduation: Undecided, but I hope to attend grad school in Europe to study Food Technology.

Long term career goals: I plan to enter the food industry as a research and development scientist.

Advice for underclassmen: Become comfortable with being uncomfortable, and plug yourself into organizations. The people you meet and spend time with help you make it through this experience.

Biggest takeaway from your time at Purdue: Balance between academic life and all other aspects of life is important, but it can be challenging to achieve. There is always going to be an ebb and flow depending on different seasons of life that you are in.

Ava in front of farm to school sign