Graduate Student Profile - Geraldine M. Tembo

Geraldine TemboGeraldine M. Tembo successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation on June 27, 2024. Geraldine hails from Francistown, Botswana, and she earned her BSc Food science and Technology from Botswana College of Agriculture (now Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources) in Gaborone, Botswana. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Geraldine also received her Master's degree from Purdue University Food Science.

Geraldine's dissertation was entitled, "Investigating application methods and active agents for healthcare-related surface contamination." Geraldine's dissertation had an umbrella study of disinfectant efficacy. Her research focused on different active agents that can be used to reduce cross-contamination of pathogenic bacteria in hospital environments, especially cross-contamination from surfaces that are frequently touched. Geraldine's results showed that the use of disinfectant products reduced the amount of bacteria on hard, non-porous surfaces that can become contaminated due to cross-contamination from other surfaces.

Geraldine's mentor was Dr. Haley Oliver. Other members of her gradate committee included Dr. Amanda Deering, Dr. Eun Joong Oh, and Dr. Dale Grinstead.

When Geraldine was asked why she chose Purdue Food Science, she said, "The exceptional interpersonal connections with staff and faculty at Purdue allow students to excel in the classroom as well as extracurricular workspace." She adds, "It is a great program that offers a lot to learn with a lot of diversity in the subject areas offered. Purdue Food Science has world class professors and state of the art equipment."

During her time at Purdue, Geraldine received the BJ Liska Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award in 2021. Geraldine was also active in the Purdue Fulbright Association (2018 – 2024) and Purdue Graduate Student Government (2019 – 2021).

After graduation, Geraldine plans to continue her work at Purdue as a postdoctoral research scholar in the Food Science department. Congratulations, Geraldine! We wish you all the best!