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2021 CropLife Purdue Precision Ag Dealership Survey

croplife-report-2021-cover.jpgThe CropLife Purdue survey is the most complete, longest running survey of precision agriculture adoption, focusing on agricultural retail products and services. It is sponsored by CropLife Magazine and Purdue University. Below is an excerpt from an article by the survey authors Bruce Erickson and James Lowenberg-DeBoer on the 2021 survey. Find the full article at

2021’s Precision Agriculture Dealership Survey shows that retailers more and more are making crop management decisions guided from insights originating from their growers’ fields. Pooled, on-farm data, especially for nutrient management, hybrid/variety selection and planting rates, are guiding decisions at rates twice that of just four years ago. The optimism from previous surveys continues for UAVs and for variable pesticide applications, and UAV’s role in applying crop inputs. And compared to two years ago, substantially fewer dealers say customer-related and dealer-related factors are holding back their progress on implementing more precision ag.

2021 CropLife Precision Agriculture Dealership Survey (pdf)

Find a complete list of past surveys here.

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