Animal Sciences Department Head Search Committee
Senay Simsek
Department Head of Food Science | Search Chair
Jeff Fields
Assistant Director of Animal Sciences Research & Education Center (ASREC)
Greg Fraley
Associate Professor | Terry & Sandra Tucker Chair of Poultry Science
Poultry Neuroendocrinology and Welfare
Sarah Innis
Graduate Student
Jay Johnson
Research Leader of the USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit
Becky Joniskan
President of the Indiana State Poultry Association
Elizabeth Karcher
Immunobiology and Nutritional Science
Brad Kim
Meat Science and Muscle Biology
Ron Lemenager
Ruminant Nutrition and Management, Beef
Alex Pasternak
Assistant Professor
Reproductive Physiology, Molecular Biology and Immunology
Becky Rice
Search Support | Operations Administrator in the Dean’s Office
Brian Richert
Assistant Professor
Swine Nutrition and Management
Stacy Zuelly
Clinical Assistant Professor
Meat Science