Past and Present

Welcome to FNR Past and Present

The Department of Forestry and Natural Resources has trained professional foresters for the last 100+ years. These graduates, whether their careers were in forestry or some other field, have made major contributions to the economy and society of Indiana, the United States, and the World. More recently we’ve trained professional wildlife and fisheries scientists who’ve made equally significant contributions. We’ve also made major contributions through forestry, wildlife and fisheries research. Since the start of our program in 1905 with only two courses, we have added an extension program, numerous courses that form our three majors which include Aquatic Sciences, Forestry and Wildlife, along with minors in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Forest Ecosystems, Furniture Design, Urban Forestry, Wildlife and Wood Products. Students continue to receive the opportunity to utilize new technologies in studies and research.

Our intent is to use this website for our alumni and friends to directly participant in the past and future of the Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources Department without time limits. We are very fortunate to have a departmental yearbook, the Purdue Log, to help bring back memories. These are still being scanned and posted to this website. Many of you will be interested in the History of Summer Camp. This page will have links to the Purdue Log summer camp stories. If you are a Lost Lake alumnus you will want to keep up-to-date on the Reunion at Lost Lake for future years. The Camp was completely remodeled in 2012, actually rebuilt. The History of the Department is an ongoing project.

Tell us your story: We’d like to know what’s been up in your life since graduation. Equally important we’d like your memories of your time with us, especially at summer camp. You can communicate with us by Facebook or by e-mail to​. If you do a Facebook posting we’ll assume it’s OK to post your stories on this website. If you communicate by e-mail please let us know if you don’t want your story posted.

  • Tell us what you've been up to since graduation.
  • Message us on Facebook about your story (we will assume you approve posting it to the website).
  • Email us at and let us know if you approve of it being posted.

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Southern Live Oak mature tree pictured next to a seedling
Research Aims to Assist with Southern Live Oak Restoration

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Hellbender in the wild
Restoring Indiana's Hellbenders

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2018 master's alumnus Daniel Bird sits at a computer; the cover art Bird created for the special Indigenous Wildlife Management in North America issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management
Master's Alum Daniel Bird Contributes to Indigenous Wildlife Management Journal Issue

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Kaitlyn Young sets up a motus tower; a red-eyed vireo and a yellow warbler
Motus Towers Detect, Track Variety of Bird Species

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Hand-held device with a screen displaying colored thermal camera images
Purdue wildlife and aviation programs collaborate on deer population study

An outbreak of often-fatal epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) afflicted more than 500...

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A hickory tree on Trail 1 at Turkey Run State Park; Trail 4 at Turkey Run State Park; Trail 5 at Shade State Park
FNR Field Report: Donatella Mudica

Freshman wildlife major Donatella Mudica spent the last summer before coming to Purdue as a...

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