FNR Four Year Career Plan
1 Discover
During Freshman Year:
- Take the StrengthsFinder to identify interests, abilities, and values.
- Explore majors, minors and careers related to interests, values, and skills.
- Read through the FNR Career Services website, including the job board.
- Every week read Pines & Needles, the FNR careers newsletter.
- Start developing your résumé.
- Explore the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) website to find out what services they provide.
- Create a myCCO account.
- Get involved in student organizations - one related to your major and one outside of your major.
- Attend the College of Ag and FNR Career Fairs to practice networking and researching opportunities to build experience.
- Register for 'Career Planning in Natural Resources' for your sophomore year.
2 Explore
During Sophomore Year:
- Develop a career plan and goals to achieve.
- If you haven't done so, register for 'Career Planning in Natural Resources" to take your junior year.
- Complete task in myCareerPlan.
- Update resume and have it reviewed by FNR Career Services or CCO.
- Take an active role in student organizations at the department, college and university levels.
- Attend workshops on résumé writing and interviewing skills while continuing to develop your résumé.
- Develop a basic cover letter to use and customize for specific postings.
- Start build online brand by creating a digital portfolio and ensure social media accounts are professional.
- Review job postings and read the weekly Pines and Needles newsletter to become familiar with potential opportunities available in your field.
- Attend Career Fairs, especially the College of Ag Fair and the FNR Career Fairs.
- Research and apply for summer work experience related to your major area to help build job skills.
3 Connect
During Junior Year:
- Review career plans and goals, and adjust as necessary.
- If you haven't done so, register for 'Career Planning and Natural Resources' to take your senior year.
- Complete task in myCareerPlan.
- Update résumé and digital portfolio, and have them reviewed.
- Stay active in student organizations and seek leadership positions.
- Attend Career Fairs, especially the College of Ag Fair and the FNR Career Fairs.
- Research and apply for summer work experience related to your major.
- Network!
- Develop a list of references - ask faculty, staff, and employers.
4 Achieve
During Senior Year:
- Review career plans and goals, and adjust as necessary.
- Complete task in myCareerPlan.
- Finalize your résumé and digital portfolio, and have them reviewed.
- Begin a comprehensive job search and/or applying for graduate school.
- Attend Career Fairs, especially the College of Ag Fair and the FNR Career Fairs.
- Participate in Mock Interview through CCO.
- Continue Networking!
- Apply for membership and certifications in the national organization associated with the student chapter.
- Complete the FNR Placement Survey when received.
- Plan ways to stay connected to Purdue, the College, and the Department.
- Walk across the stage to receive degree!
Schedule an appointment with FNR Career Services through BoilerConnect to discuss personalizing your career plan.
Career Resources
Professional Organizations assist you in your career exploration as you decide coursework, student organizations, internships and research projects.
While there are limitless careers in the field of natural resources, view our career profiles which highlights some of the career opportunities available to you.
- Career Opportunities
- Discovery Education Ag Explorer, explore various careers related to Animal Systems, Environmental Service Systems, Natural Resources Systems, or Plant Systems.
Related Skills opens opportunities as employers are seeking candidates with the attributes listed.
With over 50 employers at the FNR Career Fair, student opportunities abound with internships, summer positions and graduation career positions.
FNR Career Fair
Personal Assessment can help as you narrow down your skills and interests. Take a look at these resources that help you find the career that fits you.
If you are finding that none of the career options or job postings you have reviewed are interesting maybe it is time for some personal assessment of your skills and interests. The Center for Career Opportunities can assist with further career counseling. Below are a few sites that may be helpful as you assess where your interests and skills align with career options.
The FNR Undergraduate Academic Programs office is a hub of support at Purdue for FNR students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the public.
- Contact the FNR Undergraduate Academic Programs office.