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American Society of Plant Biologists Midwest 2024 Meeting

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March 16-17, 2024

Purdue Memorial Union

Learn More & Register   FLYER


Dr. Cankui Zhang, Associate Professor of Agronomy, is the Organizing Committee Chair of the 2024 Midwest American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) meeting. This year's meeting will take place from March 16th to 17th (the weekend of the Spring break) at Purdue University.

Among the six distinguished speakers, four are plant biologists currently receiving funding from NIFA, and Dr. Jianxin Ma - Professor of Agronomy and ISA Endowed Chair in Soybean Improvement - is also one of the featured speakers. The Department of Agronomy is one of the sponsors of this meeting.

If your research aligns with the broader field of plant sciences, e.g., whole plant physiology, ecology, plant production, crop physiology, and modeling, we encourage you to register promptly. The 300 available spots are expected to fill up rapidly.

The registration fees are set at $150 for faculty, $100 for postdoc/graduate students, and free for undergrad. Fees cover two breakfasts, one lunch, and four coffee breaks with snacks.

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