Indiana Reptiles and Amphibians: IFWOA Webinar Series
Reptiles and amphibians are an important and often times abundant part of forest communities. However, their presence in the woods are often overlooked. Learn about the biology, identification, and habitats of many reptile and amphibian species found in and around your woods.
Presenter Brian MacGowan has been an Extension Wildlife Specialist with the Department of Forestry & Natural Resources at Purdue University since 1999. His most recent research and/or educational programs focus on forest management, human-wildlife conflicts, and wildlife habitat management. He's a Certified Wildlife Biologist and a member of The Wildlife Society, the professional organization of wildlife biologists.
This session is part of the IFWOA winter webinar series, monthly through April. Next webinars:
"Population Ecology of Deer and Fragmented Abundance" webinar
Tue, Mar 12, 7:00 PM EST
"A Virtual Woodland Tour" webinar
Tue, Apr 9, 7:00 PM EST
View more information by visiting the Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners' Association (IFWOA) website.
To register, please visit the sign up page.
This session is part of the IFWOA winter webinar series, monthly through April. See the full list of events.