National Pollinator Week
Pollinator Week is an annual celebration in support of pollinator health that was initiated and is managed by Pollinator Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness for pollinators and spread the word about what we can do to protect them. The great thing about Pollinator Week is that you can celebrate and get involved any way you like!
Pollinator Week 2024 is a celebration of the vital role that pollinators play in our ecosystems, economies, and agriculture. Under the inspiring theme "Vision 2040: Thriving ecosystems, economies, and agriculture," this year's event urges us to envision a future where pollinators not only survive but thrive. These essential creatures, including bees, butterflies, moths, bats, beetles, and hummingbirds, are the unsung heroes behind the food we enjoy and the beauty that surrounds us. As we reflect on the interconnectedness of our world, let's unite in a collective effort to protect and preserve these crucial pollinators.
Check out the Purdue Extension - Forestry & Natural Resources publications and videos, along with Purdue Landscape Report and Entomology resources:
Ask an Expert: What's Buzzing or Not Buzzing About Pollinators, Purdue Extension - Forestry & Natural Resources (FNR) YouTube Channel
Indiana Monarch and Pollinator Conservation website
Protecting Pollinators: Protecting Pollinators in Home Lawns and Landscapes, publication, The Education Store, Purdue Extension's resource center
Consider Pollinators When Planning Your Garden, Got Nature? Blog, Purdue Extension - FNR
Pollinator Conservation Education, Purdue Entomology
Recommended Indiana-native Plants for Attracting Pollinators (pdf), Purdue Extension - Entomology
Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard video, Purdue Extension - FNR YouTube Channel