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Oak Management Forestry Field Day

Join David and Mary Ray on a tour of their award winning forest in southwest Jackson County! The Rays are hands-on managers of their beautiful southern Indiana oak forest, and are excited to share the results of their management strategies with you.

Topics Include:

  • Prescribed Burns & Forest Stand Improvement
  • Oak Regeneration Strategies
  • Invasive Species Management
  • Landowner Goals and Objectives & Lessons Learned
  • Wildlife Food Plots
  • USDA Conservation Stewardship Program

Speakers Include:

  • David Ray, Property Owner
  • Dan McGuckin, ACF, CF, CWB
  • Dan Shaver, NRCS State Forester
  • Judi Brown, LSSI IN

This event is free to attend, including lunch for participants from Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association (IFWOA). This is a walking tour in a hilly forest. Be prepared for rough terrain; please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Event signs will be posted around the location to help you find the check-in spot. 

Contact or 812-631-4904 to register. This event is sponsored by IFWOA and Let the Sun Shine In Indiana.

Please view the event flyer or Purdue Extension - Forestry & Natural Resources (FNR) announcement, Rays Sharing their Award Winning forest - Oak Management Forestry Field Day, for more information. 

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