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College of Agriculture News

Cattle in a field

DIAL Ventures Agrifood Economy Index posts 8-point increase since August

Esther George to speak at 50th James C. Snyder Memorial Lecture.

Esther George to speak at 50th James C. Snyder Memorial Lecture

Ag Barometer

Farmer sentiment rises as current conditions improve on U.S. farms

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Purdue Agriculture launches new leadership certificate for students

The College of Agriculture has introduced a new undergraduate leadership certificate program, Agriculture Leadership and Professional Development...

a female smiling

Graduate Student Spotlight: Harliqueen Jacinto

Harliqueen Jacinto studies animal welfare at Purdue, transitioning from fisheries to expand her expertise.

Julian Hutchinson at home on leave from the Army before the Korean War; Hutch with family members in 2008; the cover of Hutch's new book An American Hero

1958 Alumnus Julian Hutchinson Publishes New Book

At age 94, Julian “Hutch” Hutchinson, a 1958 Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources alumnus, has published his 10th book “American...

Xing Liu and another lab member stand beside a stopped-flow machine in lab coats

Same shape, same function, different performance—a tale of two proteins

Every organism on Earth is a well-oiled machine in its own environment. It makes sense then that every piece of every process within all beings...

brown coffee beans scattered across a gray marble countertop

Coffee companions—why Colombian coffee farmers are planting legumes

Asking Colombians Hernán González-Osorio and Cristian Salinas how the coffee they get in the United States compares to the coffee from...

Using an input image, the Tree-D Fusion creates a 3D tree model that can be used to simulate various stages of development.

3D tree reconstruction algorithm contributes to a new era of urban planning

Trees compete for space as they grow. A tree with branches close to a wall will develop differently from one growing on open ground. Now...

Maria Filipa Seara e Pereira

Maria Filipa Seara e Pereira - Graduate Ag Research Spotlight

Despite growing up with an economist father, Maria Filipa Seara e Pereira didn’t take to economics immediately. “In my undergrad, I was...

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