The 75th Annual NC APS Meeting was hosted by Purdue University and held in West Lafayette, IN. The North Central Division is the regional representation of the American Phytopathological Society.
We had over 130 in attendance representing 12 north central universities and industry where 21 oral presentations and 46 poster presentations were shared. Popular events included peer-to-peer training sessions and tours of the Purdue Arthur Fungarium and Kriebel Herbarium, Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility, Purdue Horticultural Garden Park, and Campus Tree Trails.
Poster Presentation Awards:
Oral Presentation Awards:
Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Janna Beckerman, Purdue University
This recognition is given to members of the Division who have made outstanding contributions throughout her or his career to plant pathology, the North Central Division, and its parent society.
Mid-Career Award: Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems, University of Nebraska
Early-Career Award: Dr. Sally Mallowa, Augustanan University
A special thank you to Purdue Diagnostic Center (Dr. Corey Gerber and Team), Purdue Herbarium (Dr. Simmons), Ag Alumni Seed Phenotyping Facility (Chris Hoagland), Dr. Jian Jin and his team, Dr. Fred Whitford for his engaging talk, and BTNY staff and students who helped out. They all contributed to a very successful program. Photos provided by Denise Caldwell, Mariela Fernandez Campos, and Michael Richter.