Sussman Receives Publication Awards for DNR Posters
Story by Wendy Mayer, Communications Coordinator
November 9, 2020
Morgan Sussman, a 2018 alumna in wildlife and professional writing, assisted the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) with two big wins at the Association for Conservation Information awards. Indiana DNR earned first and second place in the poster contest with two wildlife-focused graphics.
Sussman works as an outreach specialist with the Indiana DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife. As part of her position, Sussman helped with the creation of the winning poster about theIndiana Nongame Wildlife Fund, which funds monitoring efforts and conservation initiatives for over 150 species of greatest conservation need.
Sussman also had a hand in creating the second place poster aboutLiving with Coyotes.
A replay of the ACI Awards ceremony from Aug. 30 is available here:Awards Livestream. The poster awards take place around the 1:16.30 mark.
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