
Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources alumni have been honored for their impact on the natural resources field by the University, the College of Agriculture and the department. 

The Old Masters program unites distinguished alumni across the University, while inspiring students to embody the value of the Boilermaker experience. The program, a Purdue tradition since 1950, aims to honor those who have given of themselves and achieved success in his or her own field. 

The Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association's Distinguished Ag Alumni Award was created in 1992 to recognize mid-career alumni of Purdue’s College of Agriculture. Honorees must have a demonstrated record of outstanding accomplishments, have made significant contributions to his/her profession or society in general, and exhibit high potential for future professional growth.

The Certificate of Distinction is the highest award of the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association. It is intended to recognize those who have contributed significantly to agriculture, forestry or natural resources through professional accomplishments, activity in professional organizations, community service work, and other activities that make the nominees a credit to their profession.

The FNR Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes those who have made significant contributions to natural resources through professional accomplishment, activity in professional organizations, community service work and other activities, which make the nominee a credit to their profession. Nominees for the Lifetime Achievement Award do not need to be alumni of Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources. 

The FNR Distinguished Alumni Award is a mid-career award that recognizes the accomplishments of an alumnus who exemplifies the ultimate in personal and professional achievement through outstanding accomplishments and significant contributions to his/her profession or society in general and who exhibits high potential for future professional growth. 

The FNR Outstanding Young Alumni Award recognizes the accomplishments of individuals who have excelled in professional and civic accomplishments and have graduated from Purdue FNR within the last 15 years. 

The Chase S. Osborn Award in Wildlife Conservation is presented by Purdue FNR to an individual who, by writing, research, teaching or other personal accomplishments has made significant contributions to wildlife conservation in the state of Indiana. 

The Chase S. Osborn Early Career Award, established in 2021, has the same criteria.

A listing of FNR's recipients of each of the above awards is available by clicking the plus sign next to the award title below. 

If you would like to nominate an alum or have any questions contact Wendy Mayer, Communications Coordinator & Interim Alumni, Scholarship and Awards Specialist, at or contact the FNR Main Office at 765.494.3590.

Nominations for the FNR Lifetime Achievement Award, Distinguished Alumni Award and Outstanding Young Alumni Award are open May 15 through August 23, 2024. Nominations should be submitted through this Qualtrics survey. All nominations must include a copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae or resume and a typed 1-2 page description of the nominee's accomplishments. 

FNR Alumni Awards

This list only contains recipients from the Forestry and Natural Resources Department. View more information and the full list: Old Masters Program.
2019 -  Leslie Holland-Bartels (Ph.D. Forestry and Natural Resources 1980)
2016 -  Charles E. Owubah (M.S., Ph.D. Natural Resource Management and Policy 1992, 1999)

This list only contains recipients from the Forestry and Natural Resources Department. View more information and the full list: Purdue's Agricultural Alumni Awards - Certificate of Distinction.

2023 - Glenn Juday (B.S. Forest Management 1972)
2022 - Stephen Creech (B.S. Forestry and Natural Resources 1974)
2021 - David Hyink (Ph.D Forest Biometrics 1979)
2020 - William "Brad" Smith (B.S. Forestry 1975, M.S. Forestry 1977)
2019 - Stephen Shifley (B.S. Forest Production 1976, M.S. Forest Biometry 1978)
2018 - Ray Moistner
2017 - Tom Wiltrout (B.S. 1975, M.S. 1976)
2016 - John T. "Jack" Costello (B.S. Forestry 1985)
2015 - Scott Allen Jaimeson (B.S. Forestry 1984)
2014 - Robert D. Burke (B.S. Forestry and Natural Resources 1960)
2012 - Rolf O. Peterson (Ph.D. Wildlife Ecology 1974)

This list only contains recipients from the Forestry and Natural Resources Department. View more information and the full list: Purdue's Agricultural Alumni Awards - Distinguished Ag Alumni Award (DAA).
2023 - Dr. Emmanuel Frimpong (PhD Aquatic Sciences 2005)
2021 - Amanda Wuestefeld (B.S. Wildlife Science 1996)
2020 - Kristen Page (B.S., M.S., PhD, Forestry and Natural Resources 1998)
2018 - Dr. Shibu Jose (MSFOR in 1994 and a PhD in 1997)
2017 -  Anthony Davis (M.S. 2003, PhD 2006)
2016 -  Mary Beth Adams (B.S. 1980, M.S. 1982)
2014 -  Donald J. Leopold (PhD Forest Ecology 1984)
2013 -  Charles E. Owubah (M.S., PhD Natural Resource Management and Policy 1992, 1999)
2010 -  Eric J. Gustafson (PhD Landscape Ecology 1992)
2008 -  Thomas R. Wiltrout (B.S., M.S. Forestry and Natural Resources 1975, 1976)
2007 -  F. Dominic Dottavio (PhD Forestry and Natural Resources 1979)\
2006 -  Leslie Holland-Bartels (PhD Forestry and Natural Resources 1980)
2004 -  Scott A. Jaimeson (B.S. Forestry and Natural Resources 1984)\
2003 -  Burnell C. "Burney" Fischer (B.S., M.S., PhD Forestry 1969, 1971, 1974)
2001 -  John S. Castrale (B.S. Wildlife Management 1976)
1997 -  Thomas W. Hoekstra (B.S. Agriculture 1964; PhD Wildlife Ecology 1971)
1996 -  Michael B. Strunk (B.S. Forestry and Natural Resources 1965)
1995 - L. David Mech (PhD Forestry and Natural Resources 1962)

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the accomplishments of alumni who have provided long-time exceptional service and leadership in their profession, community and a continuing interest and loyalty to Purdue FNR. The recipient also must have provided significant contributions to natural resources through professional accomplishment, activity in professional organizations, community service work and other activities that make the nominee a credit to their profession.
2023 - Dave Case (BS 1980)
2022 - Glenn Juday (PhD 1976)
2021 -
Stephen Creech (B.S. Forestry 1974)
2021 - Dr. Rolf Peterson (PhD 1974)
2020 - Mary Beth Adams (B.S., M.S. Forestry 1982)
2019 - Steve Shifley (B.S., M.S.  Forestry Biometry 1978)

This list contains recipients who have been awarded by Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources for demonstrating record of outstanding accomplishments, have made significant contributions to his/her professional or society in general and exhibit high potential for future professional growth.
2023 - Trent Osmon (BS Forestry 1999)
2022 - Dr. Petra Bohall Wood (M.S. 1984, PhD 1992 Wildlife Ecology)
2021 - Dr. Robin Russell (Ph.D. 2003)
2021 - Dr. Todd Atwood (B.S., M.S. Wildlife Sciences 1999, 2002)
2020 - Amanda Wuestefeld (B.S. Wildlife Sciences 1996)
2019 - Dr. Gregory Dahle (B.S. Forestry 1995, M.S. Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 2004)

The Outstanding Young Alumni Award recognizes the accomplishments of individuals who have excelled in professional and civic accomplishments and have graduated from Purdue FNR within the last 15 years.

2023 - Adam Janke (BS Wildlife 2009)
2022 - Seth Harden (BS Forestry 2010)
2021 - Dr. Obed Hernandez-Gomez (PhD 2017)
2020 - Benjamin Knapp (B.S. Forestry 2003)

2023 - Emily McCallen (PhD 2018)
2022 - Dr. Patrick Ruhl (PhD 2018)
2021 - Dr. Ken Kellner (M.S., PhD Forest Ecology 2012, 2015)

This award is presented by Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources to an individual who, by writing, research, teaching or other personal accomplishments has made significant contributions to wildlife conservation in the state of Indiana.
2023 - John "Jack" Seifert 
2022 - Scott Johnson
2021 - Mary Cutler (B.S. Recreation Resources and Nature Interpretation 1980)
2019 - Susan Ulrich
2017 - Dr. Benjamin Pauli
1997 - David C. Hudak
1995 - Dennis McGrath
1992 - Emily Kress
1988 – Charles E. Scheffe
1987 – Herbert C. Krauch
1986 – William Harold Zimerman
1984 – Harold E. McReynolds
1982 – Dr. Russell Mumford
1981 – Robert Kern
1980 – James E. Rice
1979 – Frank Lockard
1977 – Dr. Durward L. Allen
1976 – Warren S. Rowe
1975 – Carl Aaron Nigh
1974 – Robert Owen Petty
1973 – John A. Hillenbrand II
1972 – John O. Holwager
1971 – Robert L Cockrane
1970 – Homer D. Brenneman
1969 – Bill Neal Scifres
1968 – Alton A. Lindsey
1967 – Woodrow W. Fleming
1966 – Dwight Gallimore
1965 – Thomas E. Dustin
1964 – Will E. Madden
1963 – L.E. Sawyer
1962 - John L. Sample
1960 - Louis H. Dusten
1959 – Professor and Mrs. Howard H. Michaud
1955 – William Barnes
1953 – Kenneth M. Kunkel