Faculty Travel Grants

International Travel Grants. IPIA will offer 20 IPIA-sponsored International Travel Grants for fiscal year July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025. We will allocate up to 10 awards for faculty participation in activities/events occurring between July 1-December 31, 2024. Another 10 awards will be allocated for travel between January 1-June 30, 2025. 
Purpose: The purpose of the IPIA International Travel Grant Program is to assist College of Agriculture faculty members in scholarly achievement by providing a portion of the travel costs to those who will present research or otherwise participate in an official capacity at a recognized international research meeting.

Tenured and tenure-track, research, or clinical faculty members with a full-time appointment and active research programs are eligible. A faculty member may not have two International Travels Grants in one fiscal year. Recipients must continue employment with Purdue University on either an academic-year or twelve-month appointment in the following fiscal year to be eligible for a given year's International Travel Grant.

 The following guidelines apply:
  • The award cap for all grants is $1,000.
  • Funds are for international travel, defined as travel outside of the continental United States/Alaska/Hawaii. Travel to Canada and Mexico will be supported. The award may be used for ALL travel-related expenses up to $1000 - not just transportation expenses.
  • Funds may support a portion of the travel costs for those who will participate in an international research project or have an active role (presenting papers or serving as an official) at recognized international meeting. Examples of non-eligible travel includes attendance at an international conference with no active role; travel for teaching purposes (e.g. guest lecturer; teaching a course at another university); travel for sabbatical.
  • Confirmation of an active role is required before awards funds will be made available, but confirmation is not required at the time of application.
  • After providing confirmation of an active role (e.g. an email message indicating paper acceptance, etc.), awardees will receive notification via a letter and will receive an IPIA account number to use with their Concur travel request and expense report.

How to Apply: Complete the attached application and return to Lonni Kucik at lkucik@purdue.edu. Please note the following deadlines for submission:

  • For travel from July 1-December 31, 2024: submission deadline: April 30, 2024
  • For travel from January 1-June 30, 2025: submission deadline: October 30, 2024

For questions about International Travel Grant awards contact Lonni Kucik, IPIA, lkucik@purdue.edu, 48461.

Download Application