The office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA) invites nominations for the 2024-2025 Excellence in International Agriculture. This award, named in honor of Professor Lowell Hardin, honors the legacy of his contributions to international agriculture, and his many years of service in support of international activities in the Purdue University College of Agriculture. The award recognizes significant contributions of College of Agriculture faculty members to international activities. Faculty members currently serving at any rank in the College of Agriculture are eligible for nomination. The award consists of a plaque and honorarium to be used to further the recipient's international program. Winners will be recognized in a public ceremony and the names of the award winners will be placed on permanent display in the agricultural administration building.
Nominations may focus on innovative and impactful contributions to international excellence in any or all College of Agriculture mission areas including research, teaching, and engagement. The ideal nominee will demonstrate excellence in all three mission areas. Nomination documents should describe clearly and concisely the individual's international contributions and impacts.
The nomination packet must include:
- A nomination letter highlighting the nominee's contributions and commitment to international activities.
- Two additional letters of support, including at least one from an international partner or organization.
- The nominee's curriculum vitae.
It is particularly important that the nomination packet describes how the candidate's efforts satisfy the three primary criteria for the award:
- Excellence in international research, teaching and/or engagement (the ideal nominee will demonstrate excellence in all mission areas).
- Global reach and recognition of the individual's program.
- Noteworthy contributions to improving the human condition.
2024 nomination packets should be submitted electronically as a single pdf file to ipia@purdue.edu. Deadline for 2025 submissions is 5:00 pm, Thursday, February 6, 2025. Please place "Hardin Award Nomination" in the subject line.
2024 Lowell S. Hardin Award Recipient announced

Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert is a University Faculty Scholar and Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and has demonstrated excellence in international research and collaboration throughout his career. Since he started at Purdue in 2011, Dr. Ricker-Gilbert has built a research program around the theme of increasing agricultural intensification and productivity for small-scale farmers in the developing world. His curiosity about why people make certain decisions, and his observations regarding the interconnectedness of the world have driven him to search for real solutions and impact. Most of his current work focuses on sub-Saharan Africa. Among the core topics he is studying are the economic and livelihood impacts of input subsidies and farmland markets in Africa, the economics of smallholder farm households’ post-harvest decisions, and farm household adaptations to climate change. Throughout his career, Dr. Ricker-Gilbert has demonstrated a commitment to global agriculture and food systems in his research, teaching, and engagement efforts.
Watch 2024 Lowell Hardin Award Ceremony