
Each month during the regular academic calendar, IPIA hosts an international seminar from an on-campus or off-campus speaker. The monthly seminar provides an opportunity to learn about projects and connect with others who share an interest in international development. All members of the campus community are welcome to attend. Feel free to bring your own lunch; IPIA furnishes coffee and dessert. To be added to the email distribution list for seminar announcements and other information, click below or contact an individual listed at the bottom of this page.


spring 2025

Thursday, January 9 | WSLR 116 | 12:00 PM
Madhushree Dutta, Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Biochemistry
CSIR Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
“Spuds in the Heat: Boosting Thermal Resilience of Potatoes at the Himalayan Institute”

Thursday, February 13 | WSLR 116 | 12:00 PM
Karoll Escalante, Post Doctoral Researcher, Department of Agronomy
"UAV-based Phenotyping in Hyderabad, India"

Thursday, March 6 | WSLR 116 | 12:00 PM
Brenden Lane, Agronomy Graduate Student and 2024 D. Woods Thomas Scholarship Recipient
"Building International Partnerships for Corn Disease Research"

Thursday, April 10 | WSLR 116 | 12:00 PM
Samar Ibrahim, Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Entomology

FALL 2024

Thursday, September 12 | LILY 2-425 | 12:00 PM
Diane Wang
Plant Science for Global Food Security, Philippines

Thursday, October 10 | WSLR 116 | 12:00 PM
Aimable Mogabo
Scientific Animations Without Borders, Rwanda

Thursday, November 7 | HORT 117 | 3:30 PM
Hernan Gonzalez Osorlo, Scientific Researcher
Cenicafe, National Center for Coffee Research, Chinchina, Columbia

Thursday, December 6 | TBD | 12:00 PM
Bob Thompson, Ag Econ

For additional information contact:

Jerry Shively | shivelyg@purdue.edu | 765-494-8467
Tami Sells | tsells@purdue.edu | 765-494-2780