A Message from the Director

How can we feed a growing world population while at the same time protecting the resources needed to support life on planet Earth? This is a key question that motivates activities in Purdue's College of Agriculture. Every day, College of Agriculture scientists and staff are working across the globe to promote agricultural development, food security, and environmental sustainability. They do this through research, teaching, and extension programs that involve the entire college community and a wide range of partners in the public and private sectors. The office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA) serves a supporting role for these efforts. IPIA staff members assist in increasing the range of opportunities available for our scientists, help to build global awareness among Purdue students and Indiana citizens, and coordinate efforts within the College and with partners on six continents to help solve global grand challenges and promote agricultural sustainability.
We live in an interconnected and interdependent world. Nowhere is this truer than in agriculture, where trade brings producers and consumers together to the benefit of both, and where technological innovation is exciting and rapid, but sometimes raises difficult scientific and ethical questions. Agriculture is a core human activity everywhere on earth and relies on sound management of global resources. To stregnten this perspective, our faculty and students must have opportunities for deep and meaningful international experiences and engagement. IPIA is committed to providing these opportunities.
I invite you to learn more about international activities in the College of Agriculture at Purdue University and to join with us to connect, collaborate and engage to make the world a better place.
Gerald Shively
Associate Dean and Director