
International Week 2022

Celebrate International Week with the Office of International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA).

Celebrate International Week with the Office of International Programs in Agriculture. Join us each day as we recognize international activities in the College.





The International Development Working Group (IDWG) is a collection of faculty, staff and students who share an interest in international development.  Meetings of the group are hosted by IPIA and provide an informal venue to share news and information about projects in progress, issues of shared interest, and opportunities on the horizon. It is a chance to brainstorm about projects and proposals, and simply meet and connect with others who share an interest in international development.  

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Save the date for November IDWG meeting!
Tuesday, November 8
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm  |  WSLR 116

Presenter - Zach Goldsmith
Director of Training Programs
Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy

Add November Event to Calendar

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Explore study abroad opportunities and experiences virtually through student and leadership videos.

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Follow Ag Boilers Abroad Instagram Takeover

Explore Study Abroad - videos from students and faculty!

Stay in touch with the Zamorano University students with video postcards! Take a few minutes to enjoy these brief videos and get to know the 2022-2023 Zamorano students who are at Purdue.


Video Playlist - Zamorano Students' Virtual Postcards


Learn more about Zamorano University

Join College of Agriculture Dean, Karen Plaut, and Associate Dean and IPIA Director, Jerry Shively, to celebrate the 2021-2022 Lowell S. Hardin Award and the D. Woods Scholarship recipients.


This award, named in honor of Professor Lowell Hardin, honors the legacy of his contributions to international agriculture, and his many years of service in support of international activities in the Purdue University College of Agriculture. The award recognizes significant contributions of College of Agriculture faculty members to international activities.


This award, named in honor of D. Woods Thomas, former Dean of International Programs in Agriculture, is available to graduate students in any recognized post-baccalaureate program in any discipline or department in the College of Agriculture at Purdue University.  The intent of the award is to help increase the capacity of young American scientists to contribute to international agricultural development.

Watch the 2021-22 International Awards Ceremony