March 31, 2023

Prospective Plantings Report Update

On March 31st USDA released the Prospective Plantings and the quarterly Grain Stocks reports, providing the first estimate of spring 2023 corn and soybean planting intentions. Purdue ag economists James Mintert and Michael Langemeier reviewed the information contained in both reports and discussed implications for the corn and soybean outlook in 2023.

Companion slides can be found below.


00:38 USDA Reports on Corn
08:35 USDA Reports on Soybeans
11:26 Combined Corn & Soybean Planting Estimates
17:10 Corn & Soybean Outlook
21:46 Projected Net Income for 2023




Trends in Corn Plant Populations

September 5, 2024

Explore key trends in corn plant populations across Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, revealing a steady 1 percent annual increase from 1996 to 2023. With Illinois leading the charge, corn populations rose significantly from 24,200 to 32,400 plants per acre, influencing both seed costs and farm budgets. Discover how understanding the interplay between seed prices and plant population can enhance your farm’s productivity and budgeting strategies.


2023 Indiana Farm Custom Rates

March 24, 2023

The rates reported in this publication were compiled from questionnaires received from farmers, farm owners, farm custom operators, and professional farm managers in Indiana. Purdue Extension Educators distributed the questionnaires at meetings and events statewide during the last month of 2022 and the first three months of 2023. Respondents were asked to report custom rates they had either paid or received during the past year.


Corn & Soybean Prospective Plantings Report Update

April 4, 2022

Purdue agricultural economists Michael Langemeier, Nathan Thompson and James Mintert discussed the implications of the Prospective Plantings report from USDA-NASS which was released on March 31, 2022. Implications for 2022 crop corn and soybean production based on the report’s planted acreage estimates were discussed along with a “first pass” at what it might mean for carryover estimates into the 2023 crop year.



We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.