Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

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Human Resources & Labor

Key Resources Determining the Future of the Farm: Human Capital & Information Technology

This article emphasizes the significance of human resources and information technology (the ability to manage and analyze data) as we transition into a new era of production agriculture. This new era brings further innovation of agricultural technology, information processing, and use of artificial intelligence to digitize agriculture.

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Human Resource Risk Management & Contingency Planning

Farms and agribusinesses are confronted by many different types of risk, but consideration to human resource risk is overlooked by far too many. If critical functions cannot be completed due to a death, disability, disaster, divorce, or disagreement the farm business cannot operate at full efficiency. One way to combat HR risk is by writing…

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Agricultural Job Market & the Purdue Ag Jobs Dashboard

Wondering what the current agriculture job market is? 

In this episode Purdue University Center for Commercial Agriculture’s ag economists Brady Brewer and Nathan Delay discuss the agricultural job market and the Purdue University’s Department of Agriculture Economics Ag Jobs Dashboard from research conducted by grad student Doug Abney.

The dashboard is an overview of monthly data collected of the agricultural job market over time, starting the summer of 2021. Slides and a transcript from the discussion are available.

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Benchmarking Labor Efficiency and Productivity

Labor costs are one of the most prevalent costs on a farm. As such, farm managers need to evaluate whether they are utilizing labor efficiently and productively. One way to evaluate this issue is to use benchmarks created using data from similar farms.

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Precision Agriculture and Technology

Precision agriculture utilizes biotechnology and nutritional technology; monitoring, measuring, and information technology; and process control technology to increase resource efficiency, reduce input cost, and/or improve product value.  This series of articles will discuss precision agricultural technologies, potential payoffs of using these technologies, and the capabilities and skills that will be needed to manage these technologies.

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What Will Be the Capabilities and Skills Needed to Manage the Farm of the Future?

A recent article discussed a number of automation and precision agriculture technologies that will be increasingly used in production agriculture. The adoption and use of these technologies will require additional expertise and skills of managers and the workforce on the farm in the future. This article explores the capabilities and skills that may be needed…

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Automation and Robotics in Production Agriculture

This article discussed trends in automation and robotics in the general economy, and provided examples
of using these technologies in production agriculture. Possible benefits of the adoption of automation and robotics will include reductions in costs, improvements in productivity, increases in the production of value-added products, reduced downtime and improved capacity utilization, and reductions in operating risk.

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Farm Succession: Operating Agreements

Who can join the farm? And how? What terms are set on compensation if equity and contributions aren’t equal? In this episode, our eighth in our Farm Transition Planning series, Purdue ag economists Brady Brewer and Michael Langemeier discuss agreements that are important in a farm business with Purdue Farm Transition team member Ed Farris. They talk operating agreements and common provisions, as well as buy/sell agreements.

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Farm Succession: Business Governance for Transition Planning

Adding on to our transition planning series, in this 6th episode, Purdue agricultural economists Brady Brewer and members of the Purdue Farm Transition team Renee Wiatt and Maria Marshall focus on how and why to set up governance policies in a farm business.

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Farm Succession: Conflict Management for Transition Planning

In this fifth episode of our series about Farm Transition Planning, we focus on conflict management – what is conflict, what causes it, how do we handle it within a farming business to come to a resolution.

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