September 14, 2017
Managing Risk: A Conversation with Mylet Farms
The Mylet farm is operated by Tom and Neal Mylet (fifth and sixth generations of the Mylet family) along with input from several other family members. The farm has been in their family for more than 150 years. Their focus is on efficiency and innovation. In addition to farming, Neal is the principal behind a startup technology company that already has 12 patents. Mylet Farms utilizes the innovative Tribine Harvester, winner of the American Society of Ag. and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 2016 award for Outstanding Ag Machinery Innovation. The Tribine is an articulated harvester featuring two engines and a 1,000-bushel grain tank. In addition to focusing on their farming operation, the Mylets are very involved in their community and recently coordinated a virtual people-to-people exchange with Carroll County 4-H members and a group in Moscow.
We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.