Commodity Classic 2023


The 2023 Commodity Classic was held March 9-11 in Orlando, Florida.  The Purdue University Center for Commercial Agriculture presented a Learning Center Session on Thursday, March 9 entitled Financial and Risk Management Strategies for 2023. (Slides from the presentation and the recording are now available here >>)

In the session, the expert panel shared the key lessons from 2022 and help producers plan for the financial and risk management realities of 2023. The discussion featured the latest data from the Purdue/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer. These results specifically focused on what farmers see happening with regard to their current financial situation, expected profitability in 2023, the desirability of making large investments in their farms, plans for expansion and their approach to risk management in these challenging times.

Visit us at booth #2130 during the trade show at Commodity Classic. We’re looking forward to seeing all Purdue alumni and supporters!


Slides + Resources Presented


Jim Mintert

James Mintert

Director, Center for Commercial Agriculture, and Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University

Michael Langemeier

Michael Langemeier

Director, Center for Commercial Agriculture & Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University


Thursday, March 9, 2023



Visit to learn more on the 2023 program.



Orange County Convention Center West Concourse in Orlando, Florida


Is This Program For You?

This is not a Purdue University program, our faculty participated and presented in a Learning Center Session. Please visit the Commodity Classic website for more information or details on this program.

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