![Reeling_web600x400 Caron Reeling, Purdue University](https://ag.purdue.edu/commercialag/home/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Reeling_web600x400.jpg)
Carson Reeling
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
![Reeling_web600x400 Caron Reeling, Purdue University](https://ag.purdue.edu/commercialag/home/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Reeling_web600x400.jpg)
Thompson, N. M., Reeling, C. J., Fleckinstein, M. R., Prokopy, L. S., & Armstrong, S. D. (2021). Examining Intensity of Conservation Practice Adoption: Evidence from Cover Crop Use on U.S. Midwest Farms. Food Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102054.
Reeling, C. J., & Verdier, V. Welfare Effects of Dynamic Matching: An Empirical Analysis. Review of Economic Studies.
Staples, A., Reeling, C. J., Widmar, N. J., & Lusk, J. L. (2020). Consumer Willingness to Pay for Sustainability Attributes in Beer. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 36(4), pp. 591-612.
Thompson, N. M., Armstrong, S. D., Roth, R. T., Ruffatti, M. D., & Reeling, C. J. (2020). Short-Run Net Returns to a Cereal Rye Cover Crop Mix in a Midwest Corn-Soybean Rotation. Agronomy Journal, 112, pp. 1068-1083.
Reeling, C. J., Verdier, V., & Lupi, F. (2020). Valuing Goods Allocated via Dynamic Lottery. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(4), pp. 721-749.
Reeling, C. J., Horan, R. D., & Garnache, C. (2020). When the Levee Breaks: Can Multi‐Pollutant Markets Break the Dam on Point–Nonpoint Market Participation?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(2), pp. 625-540.
Reeling, C. J., Compton, J., Doering, O. C., Comez, C., Groffman, P., Liu, T., & Mogen, S. A Framework for Cost-Benefit Assessment of Environmental Footprints. Environmental Research Letters.
Thompson, N. M., Reeling, C. J.,, M. F., Prokopy, L. S., & Armstrong, S. D. Examining Intensity of Conservation Practice Adoption: Evidence from Cover Crop Use on U.S. Midwest Farms. Food Policy.
Ranjan, P., Church, S. P., Arbuckle, J. G., Gramig, B. M., Reeling, C. J., & Prokopy, L. S. Conversations with Non-Choir Farmers: Implications for Conservation Adoption. Walton Family Foundation.
Staples, A. J., Reeling, C. J., Widmar, N. J., & Lusk, J. L. (2020). Marketing Sustainable Beer. Purdue Ag Econ Report.