Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

January 8, 2008

Strategies for Dealing with Agricultural Lenders

by Ken Foster and Mike Boehlje

Many factors contribute to financial stress for small business owners, and farming is no exception. Dealing with lenders at such times can be an additional stress — or a way of relieving it. This publication outlines 10 strategies for dealing with agricultural lenders.


Communicate soon and often with lenders concerning any events that might have an impact on your ability to repay your debts. Often when things are not going well there is a very human tendency to avoid confronting the problem. Producers under financial stress will often immerse themselves in the day-to-day operation of their farm and ignore the long- term decisions that must be made. This can manifest itself in not telling the lender that there is a problem until it is too late. Early warning will give you and your lender the opportunity to jointly explore alternative strategies. It will also establish a better relationship as a basis for future credit requests when the situation has improved.

Share Your Plans

Share your plans to respond to financial stress, and have some evidence to support their expected success. A sound and convincing business strategy will increase your lender’s willingness to extend additional operating credit, delay principal payments, or refinance existing debt.

Prepare Detailed Financial Statements

Prepare detailed financial statements, and share them with your lender. At a minimum, this should include a current Balance Sheet, recent Income Statement, projected Income Statement for the next year, and Cash Flow projections. In this situation, it is important for the lender to be fully informed. The lender has become a de facto partner in your operation. Advice that he or she might provide or changes in your loan arrangements will be conditional on your financial situation. In addition, evidence that you are hiding information will result in inflexibility of the lender and could jeopardize your relationship in the long term.

Discuss How You Will Control Risk

Discuss the ways that you will control risk. A variety of risk-reducing marketing strategies exist which use futures, options, and forward contracts. While some of these limit the upside potential of price increases, they also can secure a steadier stream of income for farmers.

Other risk strategies are contracts and joint ventures that share or transfer risk between multiple parties. It is important to note that no single party will be capable of bearing all of the risk in most cases. Thus, contracts should be written to allow re-negotiation of terms, should allow for variation in payments as market conditions fluctuate, or should share risk equitable between the participants. Involvement in a contract where you shift all of the risk to someone else usually means that you have traded exposure to short-term price volatility for longer term risk of contract termination or default when price gets extremely low.

Diversification in enterprises has also worked as a risk- reducing strategy in agricultural production, although this approach may not be as effective in every case. Diversification works when enterprises have income streams that negatively correlated.

Be Flexible, But Maintain Control

Be flexible concerning suggested changes from the lender, but try to maintain control over management. For example, it is not uncommon for lenders to suggest liquidation of capital assets such as timber, a cow herd, or real estate to reduce debt. Depending on the future earning capacity of the asset, this may or may not be a wise decision. This is where a good plan comes in handy, because it may be necessary to show the lender how and when the long-term gain of holding onto these assets occurs.

Get to Know Your Lender

Get acquainted with your lender on a personal level. It is often easier to work with people you know and trust. This true for both you and your lender.

Choose the Right Person

Choose the right person at your credit institution. If your institution has an agricultural lending expert, then this is the individual with whom you want to
do business. His or her understanding of production agriculture may be essential to your success in securing credit.

Shop for Credit

Shop around for credit. Consider the institution, agent, interest rate, limits, management freedom, and useful advice before you select your lender. The advent of the Internet has greatly reduced the cost of comparing credit terms from a broad set of prospective lenders.

Ask About Credit Guarantees

Ask FSA or co-signers about credit guarantees. In some cases, sound producers will be unable to obtain credit due to lack of collateral. Credit guarantees could provide some short-term operating capital to keep the operation afloat until management changes can be instituted or markets improve. Don’t wait until the last minute to line up such guarantees. If there is a chance that you will need them, then start your search for guarantees now.

Repay Promptly

Repay your credit obligations promptly. Prompt repayment of obligations, when possible, will establish a good credit record for the future.




Managing in Times of Financial Stress

January 12, 2008

The best strategy is to resolve financial stress problems before they become severe. One of the most important rules of managing in times of financial stress is summed up in the simple but powerful phrase-early recognition, early resolution.


Renegotiating Fixed-Price Hog Production Contracts

January 8, 2008

Production contracts have become a popular mechanism for coordinating hog production.Some of these contracts are based on a fixed price for Segregated Early Weaned (SEW) pigs. Others are contractual arrangements to lease grow-out facilities on a fixed-price-per-pig basis or on cost-plus contracts. Large price changes can render such contracts untenable for one or the other party.


Income Enhancement Strategies for Farmers

January 8, 2008

As farmers, you know that cost reduction is clearly the place to begin when developing survival strategies if you are facing serious financial difficulties. But many of you have adopted intensive production systems and have already reduced costs to the bare minimum over the last several years while prices of inputs continue to rise rapidly. This leaves little room for advice on how to weather financial stress through cost reduction.



Purdue Farm Management Tour & Indiana Master Farmer Reception 2024

Two outstanding farms in east-central Indiana will host visitors wanting to learn about farm and crop management on July 17th for the Purdue University Farm Management Tour. The Indiana Master Farmer reception and panel discussion will follow.

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2024 Crop Cost and Return Guide

November 22, 2023

The Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide offers farmers a resource to project financials for the coming cropping year. These are the March 2024 crop budget estimations for 2024.


(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update

August 7, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss cash rental rates for Indiana farmland in this, the second of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results.


(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update

August 6, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss Indiana farmland values on this, the first of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results. Each June, the department of agricultural economics surveys knowledgeable professionals regarding Indiana’s farmland and cash rental market.