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2024 Crop Cost and Return Guide

The Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide offers farmers a resource to project financials for the coming cropping year. These are the March 2024 crop budget estimations for 2024.

(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update, AgCast 142 video podcast thumbnail

(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss cash rental rates for Indiana farmland in this, the second of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results.

(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update, AgCast 141 video podcast thumbnail

(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss Indiana farmland values on this, the first of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results. Each June, the department of agricultural economics surveys knowledgeable professionals regarding Indiana’s farmland and cash rental market.

Purdue Indiana Farmland Values & Cash Rental Rates Survey Report, Purdue Agricultural Economics Report: August 2023

August 2023 PAER issue: Indiana farmland prices continue to rise in 2023

Indiana farmland prices once again hit record highs in 2023, according to the recent Purdue Farmland Value and Cash Rents Survey. Statewide, the average price of top-quality farmland averaged $13,739 per acre, up 7.3% from June 2022. Average and poor-quality farmland increased 5.8% and 0.7% to $11,210 and $8,689 per acre, respectively.