Mike Shuter
Shuter Sunset Farms
Mike Shuter is a corn, soybean, beef cattle and hog producer from east central Indiana. Mike and his sons, Patrick and Brian, have been no-tilling for 30 years and strip-tilling for 10 years. They have been using variable-rate technology as long as it has been available. For the last five years, they have been researching cover crops and how to integrate them into their operation. In 2010, they started developing a high clearance seeding machine to seed cover crops in standing corn and soybeans to get these crops off to a faster, earlier start. All of their crop fields were seeded to cover crops starting in fall 2012. Mike is also past president of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council.
Mike Shuter
Shuter Sunset Farms

Mike Shuter is a corn, soybean, beef cattle and hog producer from east central Indiana. Mike and his sons, Patrick and Brian, have been no-tilling for 30 years and strip-tilling for 10 years. They have been using variable-rate technology as long as it has been available. For the last five years, they have been researching cover crops and how to integrate them into their operation. In 2010, they started developing a high clearance seeding machine to seed cover crops in standing corn and soybeans to get these crops off to a faster, earlier start. All of their crop fields were seeded to cover crops starting in fall 2012. Mike is also past president of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council.