
The International Development Working Group (IDWG) is a collection of faculty, staff and students who share an interest in international development.  Meetings of the group are hosted by IPIA and provide an informal venue to share news and information about projects in progress, issues of shared interest, and opportunities on the horizon. It is a chance to brainstorm about projects and proposals, and simply meet and connect with others who share an interest in international development.  Anyone from the campus community is welcome to attend. Feel free to bring your own lunch and IPIA will furnish coffee and dessert.  Presentations from current semester are hyperlinked below. To explore other past presentations, use the side menu and select a semester. To be added to the email distribution list for the group, contact an individual listed at the bottom of this page.


Hernan Osorlo Presentation Coming Soon!
Aimable Mugabo Click on image for presentation recording.
SAWBO in Rwanda Click on image for presentations

For additional information contact:

Jerry Shively | shivelyg@purdue.edu | 765-494-8467
Lynn Cornell | lcornell@purdue.edu | 765-494-2780