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Repository with Ag Data


PURR is the Purdue University Research Repository. PURR publishes and archives digital datasets from researchers across campus and welcomes all kinds of open data from images and videos to spreadsheets and source code. PURR has nearly 4000 data management plans, over 4000 registered researchers, and over 1500 research projects (as of early 2020). You can search for datasets of interest.

In particular, there are several agronomy datasets that might be of interest to researchers and practitioners alike. They cover topics including: corn, alfalfa, sorghum, nitrogen, soil, remote sensing, and much more.

Another set of data regards GPS tracks for machine harvest of wheat in Colorado. this one is an outcome of the Purdue Open Ag Technology and Systems Center (OATS).

Some undergraduates compiled and packaged weather and USDA corn and soybean statistics.

You may want to search PURR for data applicable to your research question, your management decision, or that might be useful in a class project.

Digital Agriculture Posts

Field of corn with sun shining in background
Ignacio Ciampitti returns to Purdue as co-director of IDAAS and professor of agronomy

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Tomi Lori Ankita looking at tomato
Purdue-led TOMI project receives $3.5M grant to turn a decade of data into new tools and strategies for tomato farmers

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Purdue research team uses a computer on top of a drone to gather data
Purdue researchers acquire and analyze data through AI network that predicts maize yield

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Siddhartho Paul and his students use a RTK GPS in a soybean field to get precise location information
Satellites and soils: NIFA and AgSEED grants fund remote sensing data collection and machine-learning models to predict soil properties at farm-to-landscape scales

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uav data on a monitor
Data-Driven Seminar Series

Purdue College of Agriculture presents a seminar series featuring experts in data science,...

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