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Agricultural Economics

Hardin award celebrates Ricker-Gilbert's success within global agriculture and food systems

Consumers report significant rise in diet satisfaction since January

Academic and extracurricular excellence earns ABE and ag econ senior France A. Córdova Award

Austin Berenda - Graduate Ag Research Spotlight

Survey tallies consumer attitudes toward lab-grown meat alternatives

Student brings farm fields to family rooms with new children’s book

Most consumers continue to expect rising food prices

New year brought increased consumer interest in food and nutrition resolutions

Consumers grapple with confusion over food-date labels

Purdue agricultural economics faculty awarded USDA NIFA grants

Senior thanks the generosity of others for giving her a “window to the world”

October Consumer Food Insights Report highlights Thanksgiving meal plans

Farmer Sentiment Rises as Producers Report Improved Financial Conditions On Their Farms

Purdue survey delves into brand-name food and beverage preferences of consumers

Weakening crop prices and high production costs weigh on farmer sentiment

Cultivating the Future: Drew Parker & Sydney Wheeler

Survey reveals influences of political ideology on consumer food perceptions

Farmer sentiment dips amid weaker view of current conditions

College of Agriculture welcomes new faculty members

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