September 8, 2015

Buying (Selling) Inputs in the Current Business Climate

Grain farmers are facing significantly lower prices and incomes in 2015 compared to previous years which have resulted in intense pressure to lower costs by aggressive negotiation on land rents and purchased inputs.  Much of this negotiation has focused on price–farmers are asking/expecting price reductions, but suppliers of fertilizer seed and chemicals in particular are hesitant to adjust prices down. In many cases suppliers have laid in inventories at costs that provide little flexibility to reduce prices without dramatically compressing margins.

Certainly price is a critical component of the purchase decision by farmers and the selling strategy of suppliers.  But there is much more to the input purchase decision – information, service, trust, availability for example.

More specifically, critical components of any input purchase decision are:

  1. Product performance – effectiveness of the product in enhancing or protecting output (yield, rate of gain,) and evidence/documentation supporting the performance claims.
  2. Product price – net price including transportation/shipping charges and any service fees.
  3. Quantity/volume discount – any price discounts or service fee reductions that depend on quantity purchased or packaging/ bundling with the purchase of other inputs.
  4. Storage, delivery time and conditions – when and how the product will be delivered, storage arrangements, and penalties and/or back-up if delays occur.
  5. Local contact- name and contact information (cell phone, email, etc) of the specific person to contact if problems occur in fulfilling the purchase agreement or in the efficacy of the product.
  6. Application services – cost and performance specifications including timing of any application or other services.
  7. Financing terms – financing or credit terms offered including cash discounts, interest rates, repayment terms and the approval process.
  8. Warranty – performance guarantees and terms of reimbursement for non-performance including documentation requirements and party responsible for servicing warranty claims.
  9. Technical documentation – product performance documentation and details of product specification including quality characteristics.
  10. Compliant response time/process- procedure for filing complaints concerning product service efficacy or effectiveness including process and time delays in response/resolution.
  11. Technical support – availability of technical support to answer questions concerning product performance and efficacy including process to contact technical support personnel.
  12. Information services- availability and provider of any information or data analysis services including fees charged for such services and contact person.
  13. Brand – specification of manufacturer, performance reliability data, characteristics of substitutes.
  14. Training – training that will be provided to staff, educational materials, support for regulatory compliance.
  15. Proposal response time – required response times for the supplier to provide needed information and format in which the supplier should provide it.
Figure 1. Specification Sheet

Figure 1. Specification Sheet

One way to more systemically think about the critical components of the purchase decision (or selling strategy for suppliers) is to use a specification sheet.  Figure 1 illustrates a Specification Sheet on which a buyer may summarize the information they need to obtain from suppliers on 15 critical components of the buying/selling transaction.

It can be helpful to decide in advance how important each of these 15 components are for the purchase decision.  For example, in financially challenging times, product performance may be far more important than technical documentation.  Some components may be mission critical, while others may have a negligible impact on the decision. By giving a weight to each component of the decision a buyer will have a better basis for comparison.

Each alternative supplier can then be rated on the 15 critical components, and their scores for each component can be tallied. Figure 2 illustrates how a weighted specification analysis tool could be used to evaluate and compare alternative prospective suppliers.

Figure 2. Weighted Specification Analysis Tool

Figure 2. Weighted Specification Analysis Tool

It’s important to remember that solid relationships with suppliers may provide benefits beyond identifiable components of a single purchase.  A strong relationship may open the door for cost savings in other parts of the business.  For example, a supplier may have less bargaining room for a single product than they do if more than one product is purchased.

Other considerations include the urgency of the immediate need, the importance of price transparency, and future needs.  The need for a quick response may limit the ability to compare multiple suppliers, because takes time to gather information, answer questions, and make comparisons.  A buyer may want to consider how wide the potential list of suppliers should be.  Sometimes it’s helpful to have a frank discussion with suppliers to understand the cost structure behind an offer. This conversation may lead to creative methods for reducing supplier cost that could be translated into savings for the buyer.  Direct delivery to a convenient site could be an example of this.  Finally, a buyer should consider their own future needs.  A purchase that drives margins so low that the supplier can’t survive could lead to less flexibility and more expensive purchases in the future.​




Conventional & Organic Enterprise Net Returns, FINBIN data from 2019 to 2023

July 12, 2024

This article summarizes net returns for conventional and organic crop enterprises using FINBIN data from 2019 to 2023. Organic corn and soybean enterprises had lower crop yields, higher crop prices and gross revenue, and higher net returns. However, there was a much wider difference in enterprise net returns among organic corn and soybean enterprises than there was among conventional corn and soybean enterprises.


Corn & Soybean Basis Strengthen Through June & July

July 12, 2024

Depending on where you are located, Indiana corn and soybean basis have seen large swings in the last six weeks. For example, SE Indiana corn basis was -$0.13/bu. in the first week of June but was $0.03/bu. on July 10th. Unlike history suggests, the movement has generally been a strengthening in basis for both corn and soybeans.


Corn Was King: The Transition to Soy in U.S. Production Agriculture

July 11, 2024

Margaret Lippsmeyer presented during agri benchmark’s 2024 annual conference in mid June, which was hosted by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture in Valladolid, Spain. An increase in soybean acreage may come from either (a) shifting away from continuous corn rotations to corn-soy and (b) shifting corn-soy rotations toward corn-soy-soy. Based on agri benchmark data, Margaret showed that option (a) would require an increase in soybean prices of 6% and option (b) of 8% to make these rotations preferable over existing ones.



We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.

2024 Crop Cost and Return Guide

November 22, 2023

The Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide offers farmers a resource to project financials for the coming cropping year. These are the March 2024 crop budget estimations for 2024.


(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update

August 7, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss cash rental rates for Indiana farmland in this, the second of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results.


(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update

August 6, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss Indiana farmland values on this, the first of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results. Each June, the department of agricultural economics surveys knowledgeable professionals regarding Indiana’s farmland and cash rental market.