June 17, 2019
Corn & Soybean Price Outlook: Making Your 2019 Soybean Prevented Planting Decisions
Purdue agricultural economists Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier, and James Mintert provide an updated corn and soybean price outlook, which includes information from USDA’s June 17 Crop Progress report. They also provide an analysis of the soybean prevented planting alternatives facing Corn Belt farmers. The webinar looks at multiple scenarios to help sort through your alternatives as the June 20th final soybean planting date for full crop insurance coverage approaches in Indiana and the Eastern Corn Belt.
Additional Resources:
- “Timely Agronomic News & Information for the U.S. Corn Belt” Bob Nielsen of Purdue Agronomy’s Chat N Chew Cafe
- “Historical Indiana Planning Dates & Yield Trends” video from Purdue Extension
- “Late Corn Planting Considerations” video from Purdue Extension
- “Late Soybean Planting Considerations” video from Purdue Extension
We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.