February 22, 2022

Exports Continue to Be A Bright Spot for U.S. Pork Sector

by James Mintert

Exports of U.S. pork to all destinations in 2021 declined modestly (3%) when compared to 2020, but export volume in 2021 was still the second largest on record. U.S. pork production declined 2% in 2021 to 27.7 billion pounds so pork exports, at just over 7 billion pounds, equated to 25% of U.S. pork production. Net pork exports, which account for the quantity of pork imported into the U.S., were the equivalent of 21% of U.S. pork production, somewhat lower than the 22% net export figure for 2020.

Although net exports fell below the prior year in 2021, the long-term transition of the U.S. pork sector into an export-oriented industry continues unabated. Twenty years ago, net exports of pork from the U.S. totaled just 3% of U.S. production. This stands in contrast with the last decade when net pork exports consistently exceeded 15% of U.S. production, breaking through the 20% barrier for the first time in 2020. When the pounds of pork exported are compared over time the result is even more astounding. In 2001 net pork exports from the U.S. were just a little over 600 million pounds. In 2020 net exports were more than 10 times that large, reaching 6.4 billion pounds before falling back to 5.9 billion pounds in 2021.

Who the U.S. exports pork to continues to shift over time. Exports to China, the world’s largest pork producer, fluctuate the most from one year to the next as production levels and economic conditions in China ebb and flow. As recently as 2017 and 2018, pork exports to China represented less than 10% of all U.S. pork exports. With African Swine Fever (ASF) devastating China’s pork sector in 2019 and 2020, imports of pork from the U.S. into China surged with China (mainland China and Hong Kong, combined) taking 17% and 29% of all U.S. pork exports in 2019 and 2020, respectively. China remained an important U.S. pork consumer in 2021 but did drop back to absorbing just 17% of U.S. pork exports as China’s domestic pork production rebounded. The biggest U.S. pork customer in 2021 was Mexico with shipments totaling 29% of all U.S. pork exports, up from 22% the year before.

The top 5 customers for U.S. pork in 2021 were 1) Mexico, 2) Japan, 3) China, 4) Canada and 5) South Korea. Looking ahead to the rest of 2022, it looks like U.S. export prospects will depend on economic strength in importing countries as well as what takes place concerning disease-related production disruptions. Long-term, the U.S. pork sector continues to be well-positioned to be a dominant pork exporter.




Prospects for Swine Feed Costs in 2025

December 10, 2024

Interested in recent trends in feed costs for farrow-to-finish and swine finishing enterprises, and projections for 2025? Average feed costs in 2024 were substantially lower than feed costs in 2022 and 2023. Moreover, a further reduction in feed costs is expected for the upcoming year.


Long-Term Trends in Pigs per Litter

November 12, 2024

Pigs per litter has increased at a rate of 0.107 pigs per year since 1994. Another way of stating the same thing, the annual growth rate of pigs per litter in the U.S. was 1.1 percent from 1994 to 2023. Continued improvements in production performance will help ensure the U.S. swine industry remains competitive.


Prospects for Swine Feed Costs in 2024

November 30, 2023

Indiana corn prices have dropped sharply since September. The most recent WASDE report indicates that corn prices could remain low for the foreseeable future. Obviously, lower expected corn prices will translate into lower expected feed costs during the first part of 2024. What trends in feed costs will we see for 2024? And what’s the impact of corn and soybean meal prices on feed costs for farrow-to-finish and swine finishing operations?



We are taking a short break, but please plan to join us at one of our future programs that is a little farther in the future.

(Part 1) 2024 Indiana Farmland Values & Market Trends

September 11, 2024

Interested in the latest trends and insights on U.S. & Indiana farmland values? This AgCast episode shares insights from the Farm Sector Balance Sheet, USDA data collection methods, regional variations in land values, and the influences of factors such as interest rates and development pressures on farmland prices. Gain an in-depth understanding of trends, market dynamics, and future expectations for farmland values.


August 2024 PAER issue: Farmland Prices Increase Despite Downward Pressure

August 9, 2024

Indiana farmland prices have continued the trend of record highs in 2024, according to the latest Purdue Farmland Value and Cash Rent Survey. The average price of top-quality farmland reached $14,392 per acre, a 4.8% increase from June 2023. Average and poor-quality farmland also saw gains, with prices increasing 3.7% and 4.4% to $11,630 and $9,071 per acre, respectively.


Comparing Net Returns for Alternative Leasing Arrangements

August 7, 2024

Obtaining control of land through leasing has a long history in the United States. Leases on agricultural land are strongly influenced by local custom and tradition. However, in most areas, landowners and operators can choose from several types of lease arrangements. Flexible cash lease arrangements provide a base cash rent plus a bonus which typically represents a share of gross revenue in excess of a certain base value or threshold.