Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

November 23, 2022

River Levels and Barge Rates Impacting Corn and Soybean Basis

by: Nathan Thompson

Crop basis levels in many areas have been on a wild ride this fall. Several related factors have contributed to large swings in basis. Most notably, dry conditions in many areas have caused Mississippi River levels to drop. Given that the Mississippi River is the largest US export channel for corn and soybeans, this has big implications for commodities.

For perspective, the gage height of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, MO in October and November has averaged between +10 and +16 feet the past 5 years. During October and November of 2022 gage height at St. Louis has been between -2 and +3 feet. Not only is this lower than the 5-year average, but it is also the lowest level observed in the past 5 years. Similarly, the gage height of the Mississippi River in Memphis, TN in October and November has averaged between +4 and +15 feet the past 5 years. During October and November of 2022 gage height at Memphis has been between -10 and 0 feet. Again, this is the lowest level observed in the past 5 years.

Mississippi River Gage Height St. Louis, MO

Mississippi River Gage Height Memphis, TN

When river levels drop this low, barge navigation is impacted. As a result, barges are loaded at below normal levels to improve draft and navigability. In turn, this means that the cost of transporting grain increases because it takes more barges to transport the same amount of grain. According to USDA, the 3-year average barge freight rate is slightly below 486% of the 1976 tariff benchmark rate (or around $22/ton). However, barge rates rose rapidly at the end of September and into October, reaching levels as high as 2075% of the benchmark rate (or $96/ton). That is over 4 times the 3-year average barge rate.

While river levels have only improved slightly, barge rates have dropped in recent weeks. In the first two weeks of November, barge rates have been slightly over 1200% of the benchmark rate (or $55/ton). However, this is still more than double the 3-year historical average barge rate.

Illinois River Barge Freight Rate

So, what are the implications of this for crop basis levels? Basis illustrates local supply and demand. Therefore, if river terminals cannot move grain, or can only move grain at substantially higher transportation costs, it will impact their demand for corn and soybeans which will be reflected in weaker basis bids.

For example, corn basis in Memphis, TN dropped $1.44/bu. from +$0.28/bu. to -$1.15/bu. in just two weeks from the end of September to the beginning of October. While it is not unusual for basis bids to drop as harvest begins and grain supplies become ample, this large of a drop is not typical. For perspective, the 5-year average basis level for corn the first week of October in Memphis, TN is -$0.13/bu. and the weakest corn basis observed in Memphis for the first week of October in the past 5 years is -$0.35/bu.

In the first 3 weeks of November, corn basis in Memphis, TN has increased $1.25/bu. from -$0.95/bu. to +$0.30/bu. Current basis levels are not just stronger than notable weakness during October, but are stronger than the strongest basis levels observed for the third week of November in the last 5-years. This strengthening in basis is an indication that the declining barge rates are improving movement of grain down the Mississippi River.

Soybean basis at Memphis, TN has followed a similar pattern to corn, declining sharply in the last few weeks of September and strengthening sharply in the first few weeks of November.

Nearby Corn Basis, Weekly Memphis, TN

Nearby Soybean Basis, Weekly Memphis, TN

Low river levels and fluctuating barge rates do not just impact farmers who deliver to terminals located on the Mississippi River. Instead, river levels and barge rates impact markets throughout the Eastern Corn Belt that rely on the river as a means for moving grain. As a result, markets along the Ohio River in southern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois have also been impacted. For example, corn and soybean basis in Mt. Vernon, IN have followed a similar pattern to what has been seen further down river in Memphis, TN.

Nearby Corn Basis, Weekly Mt. Vernon, IN

Nearby Soybean Basis, Weekly Mt. Vernon, IN




Conventional & Organic Enterprise Net Returns, FINBIN data from 2019 to 2023

July 12, 2024

This article summarizes net returns for conventional and organic crop enterprises using FINBIN data from 2019 to 2023. Organic corn and soybean enterprises had lower crop yields, higher crop prices and gross revenue, and higher net returns. However, there was a much wider difference in enterprise net returns among organic corn and soybean enterprises than there was among conventional corn and soybean enterprises.


Corn & Soybean Basis Strengthen Through June & July

July 12, 2024

Depending on where you are located, Indiana corn and soybean basis have seen large swings in the last six weeks. For example, SE Indiana corn basis was -$0.13/bu. in the first week of June but was $0.03/bu. on July 10th. Unlike history suggests, the movement has generally been a strengthening in basis for both corn and soybeans.


Corn Was King: The Transition to Soy in U.S. Production Agriculture

July 11, 2024

Margaret Lippsmeyer presented during agri benchmark’s 2024 annual conference in mid June, which was hosted by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture in Valladolid, Spain. An increase in soybean acreage may come from either (a) shifting away from continuous corn rotations to corn-soy and (b) shifting corn-soy rotations toward corn-soy-soy. Based on agri benchmark data, Margaret showed that option (a) would require an increase in soybean prices of 6% and option (b) of 8% to make these rotations preferable over existing ones.



Purdue Farm Management Tour & Indiana Master Farmer Reception 2024

Two outstanding farms in east-central Indiana will host visitors wanting to learn about farm and crop management on July 17th for the Purdue University Farm Management Tour. The Indiana Master Farmer reception and panel discussion will follow.

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2024 Crop Cost and Return Guide

November 22, 2023

The Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide offers farmers a resource to project financials for the coming cropping year. These are the March 2024 crop budget estimations for 2024.


(Part 2) Indiana Farmland Cash Rental Rates 2023 Update

August 7, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss cash rental rates for Indiana farmland in this, the second of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results.


(Part 1) Indiana Farmland Values 2023 Update

August 6, 2023

Purdue ag economists Todd Kuethe, James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss Indiana farmland values on this, the first of two AgCast episodes discussing the 2023 Purdue Farmland Values and Cash Rents Survey results. Each June, the department of agricultural economics surveys knowledgeable professionals regarding Indiana’s farmland and cash rental market.