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Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Application Details

USDA’s Farm Service Agency is accepting applications for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) from producers who have suffered losses. Indiana FSA Director Steve Brown and staff join Jim Mintert for a discussion on eligibility requirements, payment rates and application details of the 2020 CFAP program.

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2018 Farm Bill What If Tool

This University of Illinois spreadsheet calculates Agricultural Risk Coverage for County Coverage (ARC-CO), Agricultural Risk Coverage for Individual Coverage (ARC-IC), and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) payments. County yields and market year average (MYA) prices are brought in for a user-specified state-county-crop combination. Users then can change 2018 through 2020 county yields and prices to see ARC-CO, ARC-IC, and PLC payments under those yields and prices.

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Making Your Farm Bill Decisions in 2020

The Farm Bill Decision Making Workshop slidedeck presentation by Michael Langemeier and James Mintert.

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2018 Farm Bill ARC/PLC Provisions 2019-2023

The Farm Bill Decision Making Workshop slidedeck presentation by Kaitlin Myers, State Agricultural Program Specialist from USDA’s Indiana Farm Service Agency.

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Is USDA’s ARC-IC Program A Good Fit For You?

Recorded January 31, 2020 | Purdue ag economists Michael Langemeier and James Mintert focus just on the ARC-IC 2018 Farm Bill program to help clarify where it fits best.

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Farm Bill 2020 Decision Making Resources

We’ve compiled a few resources to aid in your Farm Bill 2020 decisions.

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Farm Bill 2020 Decision Making Webinar

Recorded January 16, 2020 | Purdue agricultural economists, Michael Langemeier and James Mintert, and Kaitlin Myers, State Agricultural Program Specialist from USDA’s Indiana Farm Service Agency, discuss options for enrolling your farm in the 2018 Farm Bill program. Slides, the video recording, and the University of Illinois spreadsheet tool presented during the webinar are available. Updated and more detailed ARC-IC info is available here.

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Making Your 2020 Farm Bill Decisions

Farm Bill webinar slidedeck presentation by Michael Langemeier and James Mintert, and Kaitlin Myers, State Agricultural Program Specialist from USDA’s Indiana Farm Service Agency. A discussion on options for enrolling your farm in the 2018 Farm Bill program by the March 15, 2020 deadline.

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Making Your Farm Bill Decision in 2020

Top Farmer 2020 slidedeck presentation by Michael Langemeier and James Mintert, Professors of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. The 2018 Farm Bill presents producers with several choices to be made by the March 15 sign-up deadline. This session discussed the alternatives and will help you choose between the ARC and PLC programs.

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Drivers of Consolidation and Structural Change in Production Agriculture

The production agricultural sector has historically been much more fragmented than other stages of the food and agricultural industry, but it has been transitioning for decades from modest size, independent businesses to increasingly larger scale businesses that are more tightly aligned across the value chain. This article examines the key drivers that are likely to influence further consolidation and structural change in the next few years, and discusses the implications of the key drivers on agribusinesses.

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