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Video Recording

Managing Risk: A Conversation with Mylet Farms

The Mylet farm is operated by Tom and Neal Mylet (fifth and sixth generations of the Mylet family) along with input from several other family members. The farm has been in their family for more than 150 years.

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Managing Risk: A Conversation with Maple Farms

Maple Farms is a family partnership, with three generations of the family actively involved in the farm since 1975. Maple Farms primarily grows food-grade corn and seed soybeans.

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Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates – 2017 Indiana Land Values Survey

Recorded August 16, 2017 | James Mintert and Michael Langemeier talk about Indiana farmland values and cash rents and their continued downward adjustments.

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2017 Crop Outlook – After USDA’s Crop Acreage Report

Recorded July 3, 2017 | Purdue ag economists Chris Hurt & David Widmar discuss implications of USDA’s June 30 Acreage report on the outlook for corn and soybeans.

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Prevented Planting and Replant Decisions

With corn and soybean planting in the Eastern Corn Belt behind schedule, many farmers are dealing with prevented planting and replant decisions. In response, we have put together materials pertaining to these decisions.

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Spring 2017 Crop Outlook – After USDA’s Planting Intentions Report​​​

Recorded April 3, 2017 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier and James Mintert discuss the crop outlook which includes updated information from USDA’s March 31 Grain Stocks and Prospective Plantings reports.

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Making Your 2017 Crop Insurance Choices​​​

​​​Recorded February 28, 2017 | James Mintert and Michael Langemeier discuss some of the key issues facing crop producers as they make their 2017 crop insurance decisions.

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Family Business as a Competitive Advantage​​​

Recorded January 31, 2017 | James Mintert, Maria Marshall and Renee Wiatt talk about the competitive advantage of the family business and introduce the Purdue Institute of Family Firms.

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Reducing Your Crop Production Costs – Focus on Fertility​​​

Recorded January 20, 2017 | Purdue Agronomy’s Jim Camberato, along with agricultural economists James Mintert and Michael Langemeier, discuss ways to reduce your crop production costs by adjusting your crop fertility program.

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Ag Business Climate Outlook for 2017​

Recorded January 6, 2017 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier and Jim Mintert discuss the key factors that will impact the agricultural outlook in 2017.

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