Farm Management Tour: July 17, 2024

Learn about innovative farm management strategies, new technologies for improving efficiency and productivity, ways to ensure a successful transition of farm operations to the next generation. Join us at the 91st annual Purdue Farm Management Tour and reception honoring the 2024 Indiana Master Farmers in Randolph County (Winchester), Indiana on Wednesday, July 17th.

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Spring 2017 Crop Outlook – After USDA’s Planting Intentions Report​​​

Recorded April 3, 2017 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier and James Mintert discuss the crop outlook which includes updated information from USDA’s March 31 Grain Stocks and Prospective Plantings reports.

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Ag Business Climate Outlook for 2017​

Recorded January 6, 2017 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier and Jim Mintert discuss the key factors that will impact the agricultural outlook in 2017.

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Fall 2016 Crop Outlook

Recorded September 13, 2016 | Chris Hurt, Michael Langemeier & Jim Mintert discuss the 2016 corn & soybean price outlook and look ahead to 2017 following release of USDA’s Sept. 2016 crop production & supply/demand estimates.

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Ag Economy Barometer

The Ag Economy Barometer will be published the first Tuesday of each month. If you are interested in learning more about the Ag Economy Barometer, visit our website, where you can also register for email updates when the Ag Economy Barometer is published.

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Crop Margins in a Boom-Moderation Price Cycle

A glance at a chart of commodity prices over say 100 or more years reveals periods of surging prices followed by a period of moderation in prices. Once prices moderate, they may stay relatively low for an extended time. Some have observed that this total cycle may be around 30 years, with the boom-moderation phase lasting 12 to 15 years.

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Crop ​Outlook for 2015-2016​​

Recorded September 14, 2015 | Outlook for corn and soybeans following USDA’s Sept. 2015 Crop Production & Supply/Demand Reports. Features review of factors influencing prices and provides marketing & management recommendations. Program features Purdue Economists Chris Hurt, Corinne Alexander & James Mintert.

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Buying (Selling) Inputs in the Current Business Climate

Grain farmers are facing significantly lower prices and incomes in 2015 compared to previous years which have resulted in intense pressure to lower costs by aggressive negotiation on land rents and purchased inputs. Much of this negotiation has focused on price–farmers are asking/expecting price reductions, but suppliers of fertilizer seed and chemicals in particular are hesitant to adjust prices down.

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Becoming a “Best in Class” Farm

Corn Belt agriculture is in the midst of transitioning from one of the most profitable periods on record to what could be an extended period of tight margins for most corn and soybean operations. Now that the 2015 planting season is drawing to a close, you should take time to reevaluate your farming operation and consider how you can make sure your farm is strategically positioned to be a “best in class” operation in the years ahead. Doing so will help ensure that your farm will thrive, not just survive, in an era of tight operating margins.

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How Do You Win In Tough​ Times?

Recorded January 23, 2015 | ​Management strategies that you can put in place now to help your farm deal with the pressure of low profitability in the crop sector. Purdue Economists Michael Langemeier and Jim Mintert discuss the “Best in Class” strategies which will help position your farm for success now and in the years ahead.​

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Structural Change in Agriculture: Implications for the Farming Sector

The global food and agribusiness industry is in the midst of major changes – changes in product characteristics, in worldwide distribution and consumption, in technology, in size and structure of firms in the industry, and in geographic location of production and processing.

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