Purdue Agricultural Economics Faculty Expertise Areas
Agricultural Finance:
Agribusiness Management:
Jay Akridge | Scott Downey | Brenna Ellison | Chad Fiechter | Ken Foster | Allan Gray | Valerie Kilders | Trey Malone | Maria Marshall | Ariana Torres | Nicole Olynk Widmar | Steven Wu
Alternative Agriculture:
Climate Change:
Channing Arndt | Jonathan Bauchet | Alla Golub | Tom Hertel | Carson Reeling | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Juan Sesmero | Gerald Shively | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbruggh
Community & Economic Development:
Computer Decision Aids:
Consumer Marketing & Food Demand:
Joseph Balagtas | Brenna Ellison | Ken Foster | Bhagyashree Katare | Valerie Kilders | Trey Malone | Nicole Olynk Widmar
Crop Insurance:
Energy Economics:
Channing Arndt | Bernhard Dalheimer | Alla Golub | Juan Sesmero | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Environmental and Resource Policy:
Channing Arndt | Michael Delgado | Alla Golub | Tom Hertel | John Lee | Carson Reeling | Juan Sesmero | Gerald Shively | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Experimental Economics:
Family Business Management:
Farm Accounting:
Farm Estate Planning & Transfer:
Farm Labor Management:
Farm Leases, Business Arrangements, & Contracts:
Farm Management:
Farm Planning & Organization:
Chad Fiechter | Allan Gray | Roman Keeney | Michael Langemeier | Maria Marshall | James Mintert | Nicole Olynk Widmar
Federal and State Income Tax Law:
Food Crops Economics:
Food Distribution and Processing:
Futures and Options Marketing:
Grain Marketing:
Health, Nutrition, Food Security:
Industrial, Food & Agricultural Policy:
Joseph Balagtas | Bernhard Dalheimer | Brenna Ellison | Chad Fiechter | Ken Foster | Allan Gray | Roman Keeney | Valerie Kilders | Todd Kuethe | Meilin Ma | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe | Nicole Olynk Widmar | Steven Wu
International Agriculture & Development:
Channing Arndt | Jonathan Bauchet | Bernhard Dalheimer | Ken Foster | Thomas Hertel | Maria Marshall | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Gerald Shively | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
International Trade:
Channing Arndt | Uris Baldos | Bernhard Dalheimer | Alla Golub | Thomas Hertel | Russell Hillberry | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Labor Economics:
Land Prices, Sales and Cash Rent:
Land Use:
Channing Arndt | Uris Baldos | Alla Golub | Todd Kuethe | Michael Langemeier | Gerald Shively | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Livestock Management & Marketing:
Long-term Projections:
Markets & Price Analysis:
Joseph Balagtas | Bernhard Dalheimer | Ken Foster | Russell Hillberry | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Gerald Shively | Nicole Olynk Widmar
Natural Resources (see Resource Economics):
Ken Foster (Food Demand & Prices) | Russell Hillberry (Trade & Policy) | Todd Kuethe (Farm Economy) | Michael Langemeier (Farm Economy) | Trey Malone (Macro) | Nicole Olynk Widmar (Dairy & Livestock)
Production Economics:
Bernhard Dalheimer | Ken Foster | Roman Keeney | Michael Langemeier | John Lee | Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | Juan Sesmero | Ariana Torres | Nicole Olynk Widmar | Steven Wu
Public Policy, State & Local Government and Regional Economic Analysis:
Resource Economics:
Channing Arndt | Bernhard Dalheimer | Michael Delgado | Alla Golub | John Lee | Carson Reeling | Juan Sesmero | Gerald Shively | Farzad Taheripour | Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
Sales & Marketing:
Small Business Development:
Small Business Disaster Recovery:
Spatial Economics:
Taxes (Public Finance):
Technology Adoption: