Ph.D. and M.S. Job Market Candidates

Welcome to the Department of Agricultural Economics Job Market Candidates page. Our diverse and talented graduate students are a critical component to the success of our research and engagement missions. Below you will find a list of our PhD and MS job market candidates. If you would like to view recent graduate student's career placements, please visit our placement's site. For questions about placements or our job candidates, contact our placement coordinator Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert.


Zack Neuhofer

Zack Neuhofer

Expected graduation: Spring 2024
Research Areas: Food Demand, Food Choice, Consumer Behavior, Food Policy

JMP  |  CV  |  Personal Webpage
Megan Hughes

Megan Hughes

Expected graduation: August 2024
Research Areas: Agricultural Finance, Production Agriculture, Farm Management, Agribusiness Management

MS Job Market Candidates

There are no MS job market candidates at this time.


MS/PhD Job Placement Coordinator: Dr. Jacob 

If you are a Purdue Ag Econ graduate student and would like to be listed on this page, please email Morgan French at and provide your name, expected graduation, research area, a CV or resume (PDF), and a recent job market paper (PDF).

