Current graduate students can access important department and University information and services through the following links: 



2023: for students entering after August 1, 2022

2022: for students entering after August 1, 2022

2021: for students entering after August 1, 2021

2020: for students entering after August 1, 2020

​2019: for students entering after August 1, 2019

​2018: for students entering after August 1, 2018

2017: for students entering after August 1, 2017

2016: for students entering after August 1, 2016

2015: for students entering after August 1, 2015

2014: for students entering after August 1, 2014

2013: for students entering after August 1, 2013

MS and Phd Scheduling Tool (MS Excel download)
This spreadsheet lays out the degree requirements and suggested course sequence for each degree. This is also helpful when preparing to create your Plan of Study.

Graduate Research Credit Form
Use this form to document any research credits your registered for at the beginning of each semester.

RA/TA Evaluation Form
Use this form to document and evaluate goals, deliverables, and RA/TA performance. Page 1 is due at the beginning of each semester and Page 2 is due at the end of each semester.

Creating a Plan of Study
This document will walk you through the process of creating a Plan of Study for the Graduate School.

Administrative Steps to Defending and Graduating
This document walks through the preparation and paperwork steps of defending a thesis and graduating.

PhD Program Department and Individual Guidance Schematic
This document lays out all of the steps of our PhD program alongside the people or groups involved with each step.

Agricultural Economics IT Guide
This document will answer many frequently asked questions and direct you to the appropriate person depending on the issue. Be advised, due to a website migration process, many of the links provided in this document may have been changed. We are actively working to update the document. If you are running into issues locating services, please reach out to either AgIT (, +1-765-494-8333) or Ryan Good (, +1-765-496-5338).


What is my Purdue career account?

Your career account will give you electronic access to your email account and other electronic services. This account is created when you are admitted to Purdue and is yours to use for as long as you are affiliated with Purdue. You can store files in your career account and access them anytime, anywhere on campus. Your career account alias comprises the part of your email address before the 

myPurdue login

Purdue graduate school website

Your source for:

  • Thesis Preparation
  • Important Dates
  • Graduate School Forms
  • Professional Development
  • and much, much more!

Purdue graduate school website

The Graduate School’s Office of Professional Development offers nearly 250 workshops annually, addressing topics such as: Communication & Networking, Mental Health, Teaching, Research, Industry & Academic Career Preparation, Grantsmanship, and more! In addition to workshops, this office hosts two major competitions, including Purdue University’s annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT) research competition, and Say It In 6, a competition aimed at highlighting the Purdue graduate student experience. Looking for an opportunity to feature your research? Check out the Graduate School’s premiere graduate research magazine, InnovatED. To discover all of the professional development opportunities available to Purdue’s graduate students and postdoctoral trainees, please visit the Professional Development Website. 

Office of Professional Development Website

Have Questions? Looking for a Resource? Reach out!

Ryan Good, Graduate Coordinator, +1-765-496-5338

Contact Us