Increasing productivity, Incomes, & markets (IPIM) for sorghum & millet producers in the sahel

*Map & Population Estimates
- Mali - 16.2 million
- Burkina Faso - 18.2 million
- The Sahel - 135 million
10 countries make up the Sahelian climatic zone region: Burkina Faso, Chad, Eritrea, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Sudan
6 countries make up the Sahel Region of West Africa: Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad.
*Map and Population estimates from: Population Reference Bureau.Research Topics
Student Reflections:
"The interactive experience of visiting farms complemented the class well and is where I took away the most knowledge. I feel from this experience my Purdue education has taken a new turn and I can easily see myself becoming involved in more international programs and always trying to see things from an alternative perspective. I came away with a better understanding of food security and itnernational practices along with great memories and new friends!"
"The things I learned can't be taught in Class of 50 or Armstrong or Beering. I learned about different cultures and I experienced that you cannot judge a book by its cover."
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