Career Placements
Dr. Jake Ricker-Gilbert is the graduate student placement coordinator for the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue. In this video, he talks about his role as placement coordinator and the ways that the Ag Econ department helps graduate students prepare for the job market.
Contact our Graduate Placement Coordinator!
Jake Ricker-Gilbert, Professor of Agricultural Economics & Graduate Placement Coordinator, +1-765-494-4260,
RECENT Graduate Student Career Placements
Below is a list of positions taken by our recent graduates. Note: the job placement listed on this site is typically the first job taken by the graduate student and may not reflect their current position.
- "Three Essays On Small Business’ Adaptive Responses To Disruptions In Their Environment" Advisor: Maria Marshall, Placement: Assistant Teaching Professor, North Carolina State University
- "Three Essays On Water Policy Design" Advisor: Juan P. Sesmero, Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Clemson University
- "Essays On Government Policy And Food Safety" Advisor: Bhagyashree Katare, Placement: Research Fellow, Korea Rural Economic Institute
- "Expectations, Information, And Agricultural Finance" Advisor: Todd H. Kuethe, Placement: Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "Maritime Shipping In International Trade" Advisor: Russell Hillberry, Placement: Postdoctoral Researcher, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "Studies In International Trade: Essays On The Gravity Model And The Trade Facilitation Agreement" Advisor: Russell Hillberry, Placement: Research Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University
- "Three Essays Evaluating Long-Term Agricultural Projections" Advisor: Todd H. Kuethe, Placement: Senior Research Manager, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
- "Essays On Consequences Of Economic And Climate Mitigation Shocks On Household Well-Being" Advisor: Bhagyashree Katare, Placement: Economist, Amazon
- "Impacts Of Pollution Control, Ecosystem Conservation, And Infrastructure On The Agriculture-Land-Environment Nexus" Advisor: Michael S. Delgado, Placement: Postdoctoral Researcher, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "Public Perceptions And Valuation Of Wildlife In The U.S." Advisor: Carson Reeling, Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Murray State University
- "Understanding The Effects Of Technology Adoption Decisions Made By Smallholder Farmers With Incomplete Information" Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: Associate Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- "Essays On Market Segmentation And Retailers' Competing Strategies" Advisor: Steven Wu, Placement: Postdoctoral Researcher, Morrison School of Agribusiness, Arizona State University
- "Three Essays On Renewable Energy And Sustainability" Advisor: Russell Hillberry, Placement: Grid Planning and Analysis Researcher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- "Essays on the Risk and Variability of Farm Household Consumption," Advisor: Brady E. Brewer, Placement: Economic Research Service, USDA
- "Essays on Cooperation and Competition in Strategic Environments," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: Howard H. Baker Jr Center for Public Policy, University of Tennessee Knoxville - Postdoc Research Associate
- "Three Essays Assessing the Economic Implications of Heat Stress in Labor," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: McKinsey and Company
- "Essays On Agriculture and Food Safety in Sub-Saharan Africa," Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: World Bank - Environmental Economist
- "Essays on Cattle-Derived Food Products: Demand, Pricing, and Investigation into Linkages Between Online Media and Future Prices," Advisor: Nicole O. Widmar, Placement: Teays River Investments Management - Investment Associate
- "Three Essays on Consumer Behavior and Firm Pricing Strategy in Grocery Retail Market," Advisor: Joseph V. Balagtas, Placement: 1st - Nationwide - Data Scientist, 2nd - Twitter - Data Scientist
- "Understanding Smallholder Farmers' Post-Harvest Choices in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Malawi," Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: Malawi University of Science and Technology - Assistant Professor
- "Three Essays on Farmland Investment," Advisor: Michael R. Langemeier, Placement: Damietta University - Lecturer
- "The Economics of Labeling Credence Goods: Theory and Measurement," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City - Economist
- "Essays on Seasonal Variation in Fed Cattle Profitability and the Value of Beef Bull Attributes," Advisor: Nathan Thompson, Placement: Kansas State University - Postdoc Research Associate
- "Economic Impacts of the Expansion of Renewable Energy: The Experience at the County And National Level," Advisor: Dominique Y. Van Der Mensbrugghe, Placement: Moody's Analytics - Assistant Director of Research
- "Essays on E-Commerce," Advisor: Nicole O. Widmar, Placement: South Dakota State University - Postdoc Research Associate
- "Roads, Deforestation, and Ghg Emissions: The Role Of Forest Governance and Carbon Tax Policy in Para and Mato Grosso, Brazil," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Research Associate
- "Food Waste, the Double-Burden of Malnutrition, and the Sustainability of the Global Food System," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: Texas A&M University - Research Assistant Professor
- "Information, Pricing, and the Role of Self-Commitment Devices in Consumer Food Purchasing Decisions," Advisor: Jayson L. Lusk, Placement: EY-Parthenon
- "Three Essays on Strategic Misreporting," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: FAO (Rome) - Econometrician
- "Three Essays on Household Consumption Expenditures," Advisor: Michael S. Delgado, Placement: Center for Food Demand and Sustainability - Postdoc Research Associate
- "Structural Estimation of Non-Homothetic Demand Systems for Quantitative Trade Models," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: 1st placement - Iowa State University - Postdoc Research Associate, 2nd - Yale University, Postdoc Research Associate
- "Three Essays on Peer Effects and Applications in Environmental Economics and Family Economics," Advisor: Michael S. Delgado, Placement: Amazon – Economist
- "Long-Term Infrastructure Investment Planning and Policy Analysis for the Electricity Sector in Small Island Developing States: Case for Jamaica," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: NYISO - Economist
- "Evaluating Data Quality in Discrete Choice Experiments," Advisor: Nicole O. Widmar, Placement: Oklahoma State University - Assistant Professor
- "Irrigation, Adaptation, and Water Scarcity," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: Global Trade Analysis Project (Purdue University) - Postdoc Research Associate
- "Spatial Differentiation and Market Power in Input Procurement: Evidence from a Structural Model of the Corn Market," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: Korea Rural Economic Institute - Research Fellow
- "Economic Evaluation of Tilapia and Tambaqui Production, Consumption and Supply Chain in Brazil," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura (Brazil)
- "Incentives and Organization in Policy," Advisor: Steven Y. Wu, Placement: Bureau of Labor Statistics – Economist
- "Behavioral Responses to Post-Harvest Challenges in East Africa: Lessons from Field Experiments," Advisor: Gerald E. Shively, Placement: World Bank - Young Professionals Program
- "Long Run Food Security in Niger: Climate Change, Agricultural Productivity, And Population Growth," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: World Bank - Economist
- "Essays in Nonlinear Pricing Under Regulation: Analysis of Interventions on Food Retailing," Advisor: Joseph V. Balagtas, Placement: University of Guelph - Assistant Professor
- "The Role of Auction Revenue Rights in Markets For Financial Transmission Rights," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Economist
- "Three Essays on Consumption and Food Waste," Advisor: Bhagyashree Katare, Placement: Teagasc - Postdoctoral Fellow
- "Opportunity For Whom?: Intergenerational Mobility in the U.S.," Advisor: Michael S. Delgado, Placement: U.S. Census Bureau - Economist
- "Three Economic Issues in Health and/or Space," Advisor: James K. Binkley, Placement: Murray State University - Assistant Professor
- "Welfare Impacts of Optimal Virtual Bidding in A Multi-Settlement Electricity Market with Transmission Line Congestion," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: 1st - Tenaska Power Services Company - Economist and Trader, 2nd - Berkeley Lab - Project Scientist
- "Three Essays on The Economics of Specialized Agricultural Products: Equilibrium Contract Structure Under Uncertainty and Sunk Costs," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: Utah State University - Assistant Professor
- "Raw Material Variability in Food Manufacturing," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: EY-Parthenon
- "Drying And Storage to Improve Grain Product Quality: Evidence from Senegal," Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: Catholic Relief Service - Economist
- "Understanding China's Soybean Boom from a Global Perspective," Advisor: Thomas W. Hertel, Placement: Center for Environmental Science (University of Maryland) - Assistant Research Scientist
- "A Comprehensive Analysis of Estimating Land Use Change Emissions Induced by Global Aviation Biofuels Production Using Economic Equilibrium Models," Advisor: Wallace E. Tyner, Placement: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Research Economist
- “The Evolution of the American Urban System: History, Hierarchy, and Contagion” (Advisors: Michael Delgado and Raymond J.G.M. Florax; Placement: ERS).
- “Welfare Impact of Virtual Trading on Wholesale Electricity Markets” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: Monitoring Analytics, Eagleville, PA).
- “Household Decision Making under Stress: Three Essays on Agricultural Production in Southern Africa” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona).
- “Carbon Taxes, Forest Carbon Sequestration, Climate Induced Crop Yield Changes, and their Interactions” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement, Lecturer, University of Florida).
- “Economic Benefit Analysis of the Late Blight Forecasting Systems” (Advisor: Michael Langemeier; Placement: Assistant Professor, Eastern Kentucky University).
- “Economic Development and Child Nutrition in Uganda: (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: Assistant Professor, Makerere University, Uganda).
- “Pixel Level Land Use Allocation via Quasi-maximum Likelihood Estimation” (Coadvisors: Michael Delgado and Paul Preckel; Placement: Instructor, Economics Department, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO).
- “Economic Analyses of Business Decisions, Environmental Sustainability, and Policies” (Advisors: Michael Delgado and H. Holly Wang; Placement: Post-doctoral researcher, Purdue University School of Engineering Education, West Lafayette, IN).
- “The Impact of the Foot and Mouth Disease Control Pathway on Milk Production in India” (Advisor: Philip Paarlberg; Placement: Elanco).
- “Subsidies, Aquaculture Technology Adoption, and Welfare Impacts in Ghana and Kenya” (Advisors: Kwamena Quagrainie and Paul Preckel; Placement: Agricultural Economist, The World Bank, Abuja, Nigeria).
- “Modeling of a Cereal-Livestock Production System in Karak, Jordan: A Dynamic Stochastic Programming Approach” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: Agricultural Economist USDA/ERS).
- “A Unique Perspective on the Demand for Livestock Product Attributes” (Major Professor: Nicole Widmar; Placement: Assistant Professor, University of West Virginia).
- “Resilience, Suicide, and Enrollment in Higher Education: Three Essays on Impacts of Recession” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Research Associate, Montana State University).
- “Essays on Malawian Agriculture: Micro-Level Welfare Impacts of Agricultural Productivity; Profitability of Fertilizer Use; and Targeting of Fertilizer Subsidy Programs” (Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert; Placement: The World Bank, Jakarta, Indonesia).
- “Trade and Agriculture Policy Options to Improve the Wheat Subsector in Afghanistan” (Advisor: Philip C. Abbott; Placement: Ministry of Agriculture, Afghanistan).
- “Food Security Crop Price Transmission and Formation in Nigeria” (Advisor: Phillip Abbott; Placement: Agricultural Economist, The World Bank, Abuja, Nigeria).
- “Electric Power and the Global Economy: Advances in Database Construction and Sector Representation” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: post-doc, Stanford University).
- “U.S. Farm Capital Investment 1996-2013: Differences by Farm Size and Operator Primary Occupation” (Advisor: Timothy Baker; Placement: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis).
- “Behavioral Responses and Policy Evaluation: Revisiting Water and Fuel Policies” (Advisors: Juan Sesmero and Michael Delgado; Placement: post-doc, Purdue University).
- “Three Essays Analyzing the Role of Social Capital on Individual and Firm Decision Making” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Assistant Professor, Horticulture and Agricultural Economics, Purdue University).
- “Modeling, Empirics and Policy Implications of Firm Heterogeneity in International Trade” (Advisors - Thomas Hertel and Nelson Villoria; Placement: Post-Doc, GTAP, Purdue University).
- “The Agriculture-Urbanization Nexus in Economics: Three Empirical Studies” (Advisors: Raymond Florax and Brigitte Waldorf; Placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University).
- “An Assessment of the Efficacy and Cost of Alternative Carbon Mitigation Policies for the State of Indiana” (Advisor: Paul V. Preckel; Placement: State Utility Forecasting Group, Purdue University).
- "Agriculture, Food Security, and the Environment: Three Essays on Microeconomic Challenges in Rural Development" (Advisor: Joseph Balagtas; Placement: Post Doc, University of Illinois; currently Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan).
- “Agriculture, Climate Change, and Adaptation in Morocco: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Post-Doc, Sweden).
- “Communication, Home Bias and Social Capital” (Advisor: Steven Wu; Placement: Rice Market Economist, National Rice Company, San Francisco, CA).
- “Why don’t Small-Scale Supply French Bean Export Markets in Kenya?” (Advisor: Stephen Wu; Placement: USDA, Washington, DC).
- “Economic Development and Child Nutrition in Nepal” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Initial placement: Consultant, International Food Policy Research Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal; 2nd placement: Economist, World Bank Group, Kathmandu, Nepal).
- “U.S. School Quality: The Public Benefits of Primary and Secondary Education” (Advisors: Raymond Florax and Lawrence DeBoer; Placement: Fiscal Analyst at Indiana Legislative Services Agency, Indianapolis, IN).
- “Economic Dynamics of Movement Environmental Changes and Spatial Spillover” (Advisors: Raymond Florax and Benjamin Gramig; Placement: post-doc, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University; 2nd placement: Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University).
- “Essays on Productivity Growth in Agriculture” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: Post-Doc, GTAP, Purdue University).
- “U.S. Commodity Support Payments: On Allocation of Resources and Fairness, Post 1996” (Advisor: Kenneth Foster; Placement: Lecturer, Macalester College).
- “Three Essays on Climate Change, Mitigation Policy, and Poverty in Developing Countries” (Advisor: Terrie Walmsley; Placement: Post-Doc, GTAP, Purdue University).
- “The Economics of an Extension Program in Maradi, Niger” (Advisor: John Sanders; Placement: Consulting, Niger).
- “Analysis of Cropland Switching in General Equilibrium Modeling: Applications to Biofuels” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Data Analyst in Healthcare, Portland, Oregon).
- “Three Essays on the Water-Food-Climate Nexus” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: Post-Doc, GTAP, Purdue University).
- “Success and Resilience: Three Essays Analyzing Small Business Behavior Using Multivariate Estimation Techniques” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Lecturer, Ohio University).
- “Essays on Alternative Energy Policies Affecting the US Transportation Sector” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Research Economist, National Institute of Standards and Technology).
- “Energy Production, Distribution, and Pollution Controls: Combining Engineering and Economics Analysis to Enhance Efficiency and Policy Design” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University).
- “Essays on Modeling Farm Policy in the Post-Subsidy Era” (Advisor: Roman Keeney; Placement: Faculty, University of Wisconsin: River Falls).
- “Measuring the Economic Tradeoffs Between Forest Carbon Sequestration and Forest Bioenergy Production” (Advisors: Gerald Shively and Wallace Tyner; Placement: Economist, USDA ERS).
- “Three Essays on the Effect of Wind Generation on Power System Planning and Operations” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: New York Independent System Operator, Albany, NY. Current position: Boulder, CO).
- “Environmental Tradeoffs in Bioenergy Production and Agricultural Practices” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Director, Center for Energy and Natural Resources, Fulbright Program, Kosovo).
- “Three Essays on the Interaction Between Global Trade and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Agreements” (Advisors: Thomas Hertel and Juan Sesmero; Placement: Post-Doc Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University).
- “Welfare Impacts of False Codling Moth Threatening California Oranges” (Advisor: Philip Paarlberg; Placement: Egyptian Government).
- “Essays on Basis” (Advisor: Timothy Baker; Placement: Teays River Investments, Zionsville, IN).
- “Impacts and Feasibility of the US and the EU Sustainability Criteria on Existing Land-Use Practices” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Faculty, Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Kasetsart University, Thailand).
- “An Economic Exposition of Chinese Food Safety Issue” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University).
- “The Myth and Mystery of Vietnam’s Economic and Labor Demand Growth” (Advisor: Philip Abbott; Placement: Assistant Professor, School of Business and Leadership, Indiana Wesleyan University).
- “The Role of Human Capital in International Migration” (Advisor: Raymond Florax and Brigitte Waldorf; Placement: Census Bureau, Washington DC).
- “Essays on Industrial Organization of U.S. Dairy Markets” (Advisor: Joseph Balagtas; Placement: Faculty, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota).
- “Beyond Trade in Goods: The Role of Investment and Knowledge Capital in Applied Trade Policy” (Advisor: Terrie Walmsley; Placement: Visiting Fellow, United States International Trade Commission and Research Economist at the Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University).
- "Key Factors Necessary for the Development of a Value-Added Cowpea Subsection in West Africa: the Case of Cowpea Flour” (Advisor: Joan Fulton; Placement: Researcher with International Water Management Institute).
- “Spatial Dynamics of Urban Development: School Competition and Public Housing Policy” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Research Economist, USDA/ERS. Current position: Maclester College).
- “Four Essays on Risk and Vulnerability” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: International Food Policy Research Institute).
- “Global Impact of Biofuels on Agriculture, Trade, and Environment: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis” (Advisors: Wallace Tyner and Thomas Hertel; Placement: Research Economist, RTI International).
- “Financial Transmission Rights: Valuation and Auction Structure” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: Monitoring Analytics, Eagleville, PA).
- “Economic Impacts of Urban Growth and Urban Sprawl on Agriculture: A Spatial analysis of Land Use Change at the Urban-rural Fringe” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Agricultural Economist, USDA. 2nd placement: Farm Manager, Brechbill Farms, Inc.).
- “Three Essays on Price Analysis of Selected Agricultural Commodities” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: Economist, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Olympia, WA).
- “The Importance of Ownership Form and spatial Location in the Lodging Industry: An Empirical Analysis of the Hotel Sector in Texas” (Advisors: Raymond Florax and John Connor; Placement: Faculty, Murray State University. Current position: Swedish Government).
- "Exploring Macroeconomic Impacts on Agricultural Spot Markets with Time Series Methods” (Advisor: Timothy Baker; Placement: Faculty, University of Wisconsin: River Falls; 2nd placement: Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign).
- “Potential Implications of the World Trade Organization Special Safeguard Mechanism in Agriculture” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: Faculty, Colorado State University).
- “How Do Food and Agribusiness Companies Select Their Product Innovation Projects?” (Advisor: Allan Gray; Placement: Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University; 2nd placement: Purpan University, Toulouse, France).
- “Nonlinear Multivariate Modeling and Forecasting of Commodity Prices” (Advisor: Matthew Holt; Placement: The University of Sydney, Australia).
- “Assessing the Poverty Impact When Commodity Prices are Volatile” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: post-doc, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment).
- “An Analysis of U.S. Immigration and Policy Reforms” (Advisor: Terrie Walmsley; Placement: Center for Global Trade Analysis, Purdue University).
- “Increasing Incomes of Cotton Farmers in Mali: Effects of Price Increases, Productivity Gains, and Alternative Crops” (Advisor: John Sanders; Placement: Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
- “Corn-to-Ethanol Dry Mill Plants: Economic Evaluation of Technology and Location Choice” (Advisors: Wallace Tyner and Paul Preckel; Placement: Post-doc).
- “Spatial Dynamics of Capital Formation in U.S. Manufacturing” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Research Economist, UDSA/ERS 2nd placemement: Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City).
- “Demographic Influences on Economic Growth, Inequality and the Political Economy of Agricultural Policy across Countries” (Advisor: William Masters; Placement: The World Bank, Washington, DC).
- “Urban Spatial Structure and the Value of Residential Housing” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Research Economist, USDA/ERS. 2nd placement: Associate Professor, Schrader Endowed Chair in Farmland Economics, Purdue University).
- “Grain Legumes Trade and Markets: Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Common Beans Trade in Tanzania and Its Neighbors” (Advisor: Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer; Placement: Faculty, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania).
- “Urbanization, Agriculture, and Economic Output: Essays in Economic Geography” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Research Economist, USDA/ERS).
- “Spatial Dimensions of Economic Growth: Technological Leadership and Club Convergence” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: International Rice Research Institute, Philippines).
- “Economics of Productivity and Farm Structure: A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Dairy Farms in the United States” (Advisor: Joseph Balagtas and Corinne Alexander; Placement: Faculty, New Mexico State University, Current position: ChickfilA Azusa, CA).
- “Three Essays on the Geography of International Trade” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: GTAP, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. 2nd placement: Assistant Professor, Kansas State University).
- “The Economics of Integrated Pest Management in Stored Corn” (Advisors: Corinne Alexander and Paul Preckel; Placement: Agricultural Economist at ICARDA).
- "Providing Potential Alternatives To Antibiotics: Pakistan Poultry Consumer's Acceptance Of Bacteriophage Technology For Microbial Control" Advisor: Nicole J. Olynk Widmar, Placement: Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions - Commodity Analytics Manager
- "Broadband'S Role In Agricultural Job Postings In U.S. Counties" Advisor: Brady Brewer, Placement: Business Analyst, Beck's Hybrids
- "Two Essays On Rural Youth In Kenya" Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: PhD Program, Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University
- "Evaluating The Usda'S Farm Balance Sheet Forecasts" Advisor: Todd H. Kuethe, Placement: PhD Program, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "Credit Preference Of Farmers When Purchasing Farm Inputs" Advisor: Brady E. Brewer, Placement: Foreign Agricultural Service Intern, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA
- "Using Choice Experiment Data To Estimate The Value Of A Statistical Species" Advisor: Carson Reeling, Placement: PhD Program, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "A Portfolio Approach To Grain Marketing And Crop Insurance Strategies For An Indiana Case Farm" Advisor: Michael Langemeier, Placement: The Data Mine, Purdue University
- "Price Premiums For Meat Products With Carbon Footprint Related Labels" Advisor: Nicole J. Olynk Widmar, Placement: PhD Program, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- "The Effects of Government Farm Support Programs on the Adoption of Farm Technology and Sustainable Production Practices," Advisor: Nathan D. Delay, Placement: National Cattleman's Beef Association - Associate Director of Market Intelligence
- "Correlations Go to One in a Crisis: Did the Covid-19 Market Crash Bring Cattle Futures and Equities Together?," Advisor: Mindy Mallory, Placement: Cargill - Ocean Transportation Associate
- "Identifying Agricultural Retailers' Gaps in Understanding of the Value Proposition for Large Commercial Producers," Advisor: Allan W. Gray, Placement: MK Analytics - Junior Data Scientist
- "Providing Potential Alternatives to Antibiotics: Pakistan Poultry Consumers Acceptance of Bacteriophage Technology for Microbial Control," Advisor: Nicole O. Widmar, Placement: Restaurant Supply Chain Solutions - Commodity Analytics Manager
- "Economics of Street Food Venders in Nigeria and Afghanistan," Advisor: Joan R. Fulton, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "Value of Systematic Thoracic Ultrasonography Information for Detecting Bovine Respiratory Disease (Brd) Related Lung Damage in Crossbred Dairy Calves," Advisor: Nathan Thompson, Placement: Credence Innovation - Marketing Campaign Manager
- "Gender, Risk, and Adoption of Industrial Hemp by Midwestern Growers," Advisor: Maria I. Marshall, Placement: PhD Student - University of Hawaii
- "Exploring The Effects of Cover Crop Use on Farm Profitability in Central Indiana," Advisor: Michael R. Langemeier, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "After The Project Is Over: Measuring Longer-Term Impacts of a Food Safety Intervention in Senegal," Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: IFPRI - Research Associate
- "How Scale and Scope of Ecosystem Markets Impact Permit Trading: Evidence from Partial Equilibrium Modeling in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed," Advisor: Carson Reeling, Placement: PhD Program - Michigan State University
- "A Bioeconomic Model of Indoor Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) Farms with Low-Cost Salt Mixtures," Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie, Placement: Theravance Biopharma US
- "Modeling Annual and Quarterly U.S. Farm Tractor Sales," Advisor: James Mintert, Placement: John Deere - Data Scientist
- "Tradeoff Between Animal Welfare and Environmental Impacts of Beef Production: An Analysis of Presentation Effects on Consumer Choice," Advisor: Jayson L. Lusk, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "Consumer Demand for Redundant Food Labels," Advisor: Jayson L. Lusk, Placement: 84.51 - Data Scientist
- "The Impact of Cover Crops on Farm Finance and Risk: Insights from Indiana Farm Data Using Econometric and Stochastic Methods," Advisor: Wallace E. Tyner, Placement: PhD Program - Kansas State University
- "Value Generation and Capture in The Agri-Food Value Chain," Advisor: Michael A. Gunderson, Placement: EY-Parthenon - Senior Consultant
- "Effect Of an Unobtrusive and Low-Cost Nudge on Food Choice Behavior of Food Pantry Clients," Advisor: Paul V. Preckel, Placement: Decision Innovation Solutions - Research Analyst
- "Storage Returns of Indiana Corn and Soybeans," Advisor: Nathan Thompson, Placement: Roach Ag Marketing - Commodity Risk Advisor
- "Two Essays on Post-Harvest Drying and Storage Practices for Maize in Sub-Saharan Africa," Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Placement: Crop Trust
- "Investigating the Business Characteristics, Purchasing Agreements, and Perceptions of Organic Grain Buyers in the Midwest," Advisor: Ariana P. Torres Bravo, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "A Cost Efficiency Comparison of International Corn, Soybean, And Wheat Production," Advisor: Michael R. Langemeier, Placement: Center for Farm Financial Management (University of Minnesota) - Extension Economist
- "Does Crop Insurance Inhibit Climate-Change Technology Adoption?," Advisor: Nathan Thompson, Placement: PhD Program - University of Illinois
- "Consumer Willingness-To-Pay for Sustainability Attributes in Beer: A Choice Experiment Using Eco-Labels," Advisor: Carson Reeling, Placement: PhD Program - Michigan State University
- "U.S. County-Level Impacts of Growth in China's Demand for Agricultural Imports," Advisor: Russell H. Hillberry, Placement: U-Play USA - Assistant Marketing/Production Manager
- "Quality And Economic Analysis of Green Coffee Beans Stored in Purdue Improved Crop Storage Bags," Advisor: Kenneth A. Foster, Placement: Abbott U.S. - Strategic Sourcing Analyst
- "The Multi-Market Effects of Ethanol Policy Under Imperfect Competition," Advisor: Juan Sesmero, Placement: JCB North America - LDP Associate and Business Analytics
- "Stochastic Techno-Economic Analysis of Electricity Produced from Poplar Plantations in Indiana," Advisor: Wallace E. Tyner, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "Take All You Want, But Eat All You Take: Effectiveness of a Financial Incentive on Individual Food Waste," Advisor: Bhagyashree Katare, Placement: PhD Program - Purdue University
- "Analyzing The Effect of Policy, Field Geometry, and Environmental Criteria on Switchgrass Breakeven Price in a Landscape Design System," Advisor: Wallace E. Tyner, Placement: Gro Intelligence - Research Analyst
- "Organic Smallholder Farming in Northwest Vietnam: A Case Study from Tan Lac District, Hoa Binh Province," Advisor: Gerald E. Shively, Placement: Rikolto - Program Officer
- "Can U.S. Agriculture Provide Agro-Pharms For Malaria Treatment?," Advisor: Michael Wetzstein, Placement: PhD Program - University of Georgia
- “Short-term Returns to Agricultural Household Migration Decisions: Evidence from a Tracking Panel Data Study in Malawi” (Advisor, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert; Placement: Analyst, Office of Economic Development, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA).
- "Expected Value of Crossbred Dairy Cattle Artificial Insemination Breeding Strategies in Virgin Heifers and Lactating Cows” (Advisor, Nicole Widmar; Placement: PhD program in Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- “An Examination of the Relationship between Cash Rent Values and Net Crop Returns in Indiana” (Advisor, Michael Langemeier; Placement: MS program, University of Chicago)
- “Two Essays on Chinese Consumer Preferences and Shopping Behaviors for Fresh Food” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: PhD program, University of Florida)
- "Preferences and Willingness to Pay for the Nutritional Attributes of Breakfast Cereal by Midwestern Residents” (Advisor, Nicole Widmar: Placement: Instructor, Ivy Tech Community College, Lafayette, IN)
- “The Profitability of Cover Crops: Investigating the Effect of Additional Soil Organic Carbon” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: PhD program, University of California, Davis).
- “Decision Making on Multigenerational Farms” (Advisor: Scott Downey; Placement: Extension Economist, Kansas State University)
- “Economic Incentives for Aflatoxin Reduction along the Nigerian Maize Value Chain” (Advisors: Joan Fulton and Nicole Widmar; Placement: Financial Analyst, Teays River Investments)
- “Costs and Benefits of Cover Crops: An Econometric Analysis of the Impacts of Cover Crops on Cash Crop Yield on Central and Northeastern Indiana Farms” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK).
- “A Stochastic Techno-Economic Analysis of the Catalytic Hydrothermolysis Aviation Biofuel Technology” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Walker Consultants, Indianapolis, IN).
- “Determining Switchgrass Breakeven Prices in a Landscape Design System” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: MGT Consulting, Corvallis, OR.)
- “An Indiana County Level Analysis of 2014 Farm Bill Commodity Payments” (Advisor: Roman Keeney; Placement: Risk Manager, Cattle Empire, Satanta, Kansas).
- “The Effect of Climate Change on the Economics of Conservation Tillage: A Study Based on Field Experiments in Indiana” (Advisor: Juan Sesmero; Placement: Private Consultant).
- “Measurement and Analysis of Agricultural Productivity in Colombia” (Advisor: Phillip Abbott; Placement: PhD program, AGEC Purdue University).
- “Measuring the Effect of Cold Storage, Captive Supply, and Concentration on the Marketing Margin in the U.S. Pork Industry” (Advisor: Kenneth Foster; Placement: PhD program, AGEC Purdue University).
- “Economic and Environmental Impacts of a Hypothetical Global GMO Ban” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Bunge Corporation, Kansas City).
- "The Labor Market Consequences of Endogenous Low-Skill Migration with a Market-Based Immigration Policy” (Advisor: Thomas Hertel; Placement: PhD program, University of Michigan).
- “Economic Viability of Flexible Biogas Pumps in Bangladesh” (Advisor: Juan Sesmero; Placement: Instructor, Ivy Tech Community College).
- “Investigating U.S. Resident Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility in Food and Agriculture” (Advisor: Nicole Widmar; Placement: Office for Study Abroad, Purdue University).
- “Mergers and Acquisitions in Food and Agribusiness: Returns, Drivers, and Long Run Performance” (Advisors: Michael Gunderson and Michael Boehlje; Placement: GreenStone FCS, Michigan)
- "Age Demographics and Farm Real Estate Values” (Advisor: Jason Henderson; Placement: Assistant Vice President for Commercial and Agricultural Lending, First Farmers Bank and Trust, Converse, Indiana).
- “Firm Demography and Location Decisions in the United States After 1990” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: PhD program, AGEC, Purdue University).
- “Irrigation Adoption, Groundwater Demand and Policy in the U.S. Corn Belt, 2040-2070” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: PhD program, UC Berkeley).
- “An Economic Assessment of Household Unwanted Medicine Disposal Programs” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: PhD program, AGEC, Purdue University).
- “Fuel Choice, Acute Respiratory Infection and Child Growth in Uganda” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: HealthMarkets, Inc., Houston, TX).
- “Job Mobility Among Young College Graduates” (Advisor: Brigitte Waldorf; Placement: US Department of Labor, Washington, DC).
- “Market Participation and Profitability of Cotton Production in Malawi” (Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert; Placement: Malawi, deceased).
- “Carbon Sequestration via Forestry in Maryland: A Cost-Benefit Assessment” (Advisor: Philip Abbott; Placement: Investigator in the Market Regulation Department, CME Group, Chicago, IL).
- “Does A Family-First Philosophy Affect Family Business Profitability? An Analysis of Family Businesses in the Midwest” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Spain).
- “Are Cover Crops Worth It? It Depends” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Private Consulting, New York).
- “Tracking Sales Activities in Agribusiness” (Advisor: Scott Downey; Placement: MS program, Georgetown University, Washington, DC).
- “International Comparison of Cost Efficiency of Corn and Soybean Production” (Advsior, Michael Langemeier; Placement: Thunen Instutute, Braunscheig, Germany).
- “Stages of Succession Planning and Factors of Transferring Management and Ownership for the Family Agribusiness” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Advisor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University).
- M.S. Non-Thesis Track. (Advisor: Juan Sesmero; Placement: Training and Organizational Development, Wabash National Corporation, Lafayette, IN)
- “Keynesian Input-Output Multiplier Model in Economic Impact Analysis: Purdue’s International Capacity Building Projects, 1951-2011” (Advisor: James Lowenberg-Deboer; Placement: Adjunct Faculty, Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, KY).
- “Field to Flight: A Techno-economic Analysis of Stover to Aviation Biofuels Supply Chain” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: INFORMA, Memphis, TN).
- “Evolution of Food Quality Demand in the Food Service in China: The Case of Duck” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: Data Analyst at Buxton, Dallas, TX).
- “Comparative Analysis of the True Profitability between Genetic Multiplication and Terminal Pig Production” (Advisor: Michael Gunderson; Placement: Belstra Milling Company, DeMotte, IN).
- “Profit-Maximizing Responses to Climate change in Commodity Agriculture: Does Adaptation Matter?” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: PhD program, Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz, Austria).
- “Underground Natural Gas Storage: An Examination of Property Values in Indiana” (Advisor: Michael Delgado; Placement: Economic Analyst, Community Attributes Inc., Bainbridge Island, WA).
- “Economic and Policy Analysis for Solar PV Systems in Indiana” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Producer Perceptions of their Use of Time and Various Areas of Risk in their Business” (Advisor: Elizabeth Yeager; Placement: Farmers Bank, Frankfort, IN).
- “Two Essays on Large Agricultural Producer Buying Behaviors” (Advisor: Michael Gunderson; Placement: PhD program, Colorado State University).
- “Price Impacts of Increased Peruvian Table Grape Supply” (Advisor: Michael Gunderson; Placement: Dairy farmer, California)
- “Analyzing the Importance of Diversifying Beyond Tobacco for Small-Scale Farmers in Malawi” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: Malawi).
- “Uncertainty, Irreversibility, and Investment in Second-Generation Biofuels” (Advisor: Juan Sesmero; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- "Quality and Safety Attributes of Sun-Dried Raisins from Afghanistan” (Advisor: Kevin McNamara; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Breakthrough of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Agricultural Production in the 21st Century: The Role of Foreign Aid” (Advisor: Philip Abbott; Placement: Bank, Beijing, China).
- “Understanding Childhood Malnutrition in Nepal: A Hierarchical Regression Approach” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “An Analysis of Marketing Margins in the US Beef Industry” (Advisor: Michael Boehlje; Placement: Market Analyst, AHDB, Warwick, England).
- “Market Power Estimation in the Chilean Cattle Market” (Advisor: Joseph Balagtas; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Determinants of Energy Efficiency Across Countries” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Competition Between Private Labels and National Brands: Empirical Evidence from Homscan Data on Fluid Milk Markets” (Advisor: Joseph Balagtas; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University)
- “Economic Activity Associated with the Aquaculture Industry in the State of Indiana” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: Purdue Extension, Washington County, Indiana).
- “Climate Change in Malawi: Household Level Impacts and Adaptations” (Advisors: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Juan Sesmero; Placement: PhD program, Penn State University).
- “An Economic Analysis of the Electricity Generation Potential from Biogas Resources in the State of Indiana” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Explaining Patterns of Malnutrition Among Children in Uganda” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: Supply Chain Manager at Theranos, Palo Alto, CA).
- “Are the U.S. Crop Insurance Premiums Fair Across Regions and Crops?” (Advisor: Timothy Baker; Placement: Risk Management Specialist, Home Credit, Inc.) .
- “How Population Density Influences Agricultural Intensification and Productivity: Evidence from Ethiopia” (Advisor: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Effects of Pest Damage and Grain Management Practices on Storage Behavior and Market Prices: Insights from Benin” (Advisors: Jacob Ricker-Gilbert and Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “An Evaluation of Improved Dairy Feed Adoption in Nicaragua” (Advisor: John Sanders; Placement: Government of Jamaica).
- “Expected Value of Beef Reproduction Strategies: Sexed Semen AI, Conventional Semen AI, and Natural Breeding” (Advisor: Nicole Olynk Widmar; Placement: Dixondale Farms, Texas).
- “Exploring Consumer Preferences for Animal Care and Rearing Practices Across Species and Products” (Advisor: Nicole Olynk Widmar; Placement: PhD program, Kansas State University).
- “Child Nutrition, Agricultural Production and Satellite Remotely Sensed Images: Exploring Linkages in Nepal” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC).
- “A Spatially Explicit Watershed Scale Optimization of Cellulosic Biofuels Production” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “The Impact of Identity Preservation of Specialty Soybeans as Measured by Additional Costs Along the Value Chain” (Advisor: Joan Fulton; Placement: Capital Farm Credit, College Station, TX).
- “Manager’s Perceptions of Categories of Training Needs” (Advisor: Scott Downey and Maria Marshall; Placement: Payment Analyst, Huawei Technologies, San Francisco, CA).
- “Economic Based Decision Support to Promote Sustainable Small Scale Livestock Enterprises to Potential Industry Entrants” (Advisor: Joan Fulton; Placement: JBS, Greeley, CO).
- “Development of a Viable Corn Stover Market: Impacts on Corn and Soybean Markets” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Sr. Operations Analyst at eRecyclingCorps, Kansas City, MO).
- “Family Business Decision-Making: Factors and Influences on Choosing a Successor” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Montgomery County Ag and Natural Resources Extension Educator, Purdue University).
- “Comparing Flexible Cash Rent Leases to Crop Share and Fixed Cash Rent Leases” (Advisor: Craig Dobbins; Placement: PhD program, Carnegie Mellon University).
- “The Economic Impact of the New Insensitive Sorghum Cultivars in the Dairy Market of Nicaragua” (Advisor: John Sanders; Placement: PhD program, University of Nebraska).
- “The Economics of Cellulosic Biofuels: Farm to Fuel Cost Analysis of the Supply Chain” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: Purchasing Specialist, AGCO Corporation, Jiangsu, China).
- “Measuring the Value of African Smallholder Grain Protection: Two Essays on Storage Economics and Market Valuation of Maize Attributes in Malawi” (Advisors: Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer and Corinne Alexander; Placement: PhD program, NC State University).
- “Exploratory Study of Conflict and the Family Business Agreement” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: PhD program, Texas A&M University).
- “Identifying the Gaps in Necessary Capabilities for Agribusiness Managers in a Dynamic Agricultural Industry” (Advisor: Allan Gray; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Financial Stress Test under Multiple Risks for Representative Farms of Central Illinois” (Advisor: Michael Boehlje; Placement: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)
- “An Analysis of the Restructured Indiana Manufacturing Sector and the Effects of Highways on Economic Growth” (Advisor: Kevin McNamara; Placement: Demand Planning Specialist, AGCO Corp., Atlanta, GA).
- “Two Essays on Technical Efficiency of Aquaculture Production in Kenya: Parametric and Non-Parametric Methodological Approaches” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Value Chain Development for Tilapia and Catfish Products: Opportunities for Female Participation in Kenya” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: PhD program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst).
- “Synergies Between Cover Crops and Corn Stover Removal” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: ARE Event Productions, Albany, NY).
- “Structural Change in Agriculture: Analyzing Strategic Accounts and Retailer Relationships” (Advisors: Brent Gloy and Scott Downey; Placement: Agriculture Lending Officer, Citizens National Bank of Albion, Albion, IL).
- “To Certify or Not to Certify? Decomposing the Organic Production and Certification Decisions” (Advisor: Corinne Alexander; Placement: Sales Demand Analyst, Perrigo, Ada, MI).
- “Returns to the Introduction of New Sorghum Cultivars Into the Dairy Industry of El Salvador” Advisor: John Sanders; Placement: Ambassador, One Young World).
- “Evaluation of Future Fuel Options for Lafayette CityBus” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: PwC Tianjin Branch, China).
- “On-Farm Grain Storage Losses: Potential Gains From Improved Storage Facility and Management Practices in Afghanistan” (Advisor: Roman Keeney; Placement: Faculty, Kabul University).
- “An Economic and Emissions Analysis of Electricity Generation Using Biomass Feedstock in Co-Fired and Direct Fired Facilities” (Advisor: Paul Preckel; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “An Empirical Analysis of Climate Change Perceptions and Conservation Tillage Practices of Indiana Farmers” (Advisor: Ben Gramig; Placement: Adayana Agribusiness Group, Indianapolis, IN; 2nd placement: Experiential Learning Coordinator, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).
- “Agricultural Large Commercial Producers in Argentina and the United States of America: A Comparative Study” (Advisor: Allan Gray; Placement: MAB program coordinator, Kansas State University).
- “Risk Management Strategies for Indiana Producers in the Presence of Fertilizer Price Risk” (Advisor: Timothy Baker; Placement: Agricultural Investment Analyst, Prudential Financial, Chicago, IL).
- “Imperfect Decisions or Untapped Potential: Indicators of U.S. Household Investment Efficiency” (Advisor: Roman Keeney; Placement: Professional Farm Manager & Real Estate Associate, Halderman, Noblesville, IN).
- “Consumer Preference for Farmed Fish in Ghana and Kenya: Opportunities for Domestic Demand-Driven Aquaculture” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “A Sociodemographic Analysis of Health Care Utilization in the United States” (Advisor: Raymond J.G.M. Florax; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Commodity Price Stabilization Through the Use of Export Taxes in Argentina: A Political Economy Analysis” (Advisor: Philip Abbott; Placement: Spanish Teacher, Parker, IN).
- “Essays on Duck Demand in the United States: Analyzing the Impacts of Economics, Demographic and Food Safety Factors on Consumption” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: The World Bank, Washington, DC).
- “The Role of Health and Education in Household Labor Allocation and Returns: Evidence from Rural China” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: PhD program, University of Wisconsin, Madison).
- “Retail Supply and the Purchase of Midwestern Fresh fish on Ice” (Advisor: Kwamena Quagrainie; Placement: Commodity Production Analyst, Informa Economics, Inc., Memphis, TN).
- “Can Afghanistan Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Wheat: Limitations Due to Market Integration” (Advisor: Philip Abbott; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Alternative Bargaining Model Between Farmers and Brokers” (Advisor: Steven Wu; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Improving Forest Management for Sustainable Livelihoods: Measuring the Performance of Malawi’s Forest Co-Management Program” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: International Food Policy Research Institute, Malawi).
- “Location Behavior of USDA Inspected Meat and Poultry Slaughter Plants in the United States: A Spatial Probit Approach” (Advisor: Raymond Florax; Placement: Port Authority, Arlington, OR).
- “Using Carbon Offsets to Fund Agricultural Conservation Practices in a WorkingLands Setting” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: PhD program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2nd placement: Assistant Professor, Purdue University).
- “The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Grafted Naranjilla in Ecuador” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: Agricultural Economist, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service).
- “Corn Stover for Bioenergy Production: Cost Estimates and Farmer Supply Response” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Cargill, Inc.).
- “Biological and Economic Implications of Changing Sow Litter Size: Informing On-farm Management and Decision Making” (Advisor: Nicole Olynk; Placement: Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University).
- “An Evaluation of Consumer Segments for Farmers’ Markets in Indiana and Illinois” (Advisor: Jennifer Dennis; Placement: Washington, DC).
- “Liberalization of Ethanol Trade between the U.S. and Brazil in the Presence of a Binding Renewable Fuel Standard” (Advisor: Wallace E. Tyner; Placement: Portland, OR).
- “Rural Electric Cooperatives’ Adoption of Renewable Energy Technology” (Advisor: Paul V. Preckel; Placement: PhD program, Brown University).
- “Essays on Farm Yield Risks and Risk Management Decisions” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: PhD program, Oregon State University; 2nd position: post-doc at Resources for the Future, Washington, DC).
- “Measuring the Impacts of Agricultural Input Subsidies on Fertilizer use, Land Allocation and Forest Pressure: Evidence from Malawi’s 2009 Farm Input Subsidy Program” (Advisor: Gerald Shively; Placement: USAID, Malawi).
- “Economic Analysis of Harvesting Corn Cobs for Biofuel Production” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Chief Economist, Senate Agricultural Committee, Washington, DC).
- "Cap-and-Trade Policy: The Influence on Investments in C02 Reducing Technologies in Indiana” (Advisor: Benjamin Gramig; Placement: USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, Staunton, VA. 2nd placement: US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Washington, DC).
- “Family Business Dynamics: How Marriage and Children Impact Men and Women Entrepreneurs Differently” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Fertilizer Risk Manager, Cargill).
- “Livestock Management and Marketing in Afghanistan” (Advisors: Kevin McNamara and H. Holly Wang; Placement: Development NGO, Tajekistan).
- “US Dollar Exchange Rate and Crude Oil Price: A Common Driver Explanation” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Informa).
- “Wage Outcomes of Albanian Immigrants in the United States” (Advisor: Brigitte Waldorf; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Evaluating Crop Insurance and Marketing Strategies for Indiana Corn and Soybean Producers” (Advisors: George F. Patrick and Corinne Alexander; Placement: Michigan State University).
- “Economic Analysis of double Cropping Systems in Central Indiana: Winter Wheat, Corn, Sorghum, Sweet Sorghum and Soybeans” (Advisors: Craig Dobbins and Lori Snyder; Placement: PhD program in Marketing, University of Wyoming).
- “Income Transfer Efficiencies of U.S. Farm Payment Programs” (Advisor: Roman Keeney; Placement: ANR/ECD Educator, Purdue Extension, Crawfordsville, IN).
- “Sustainability Strategies in Agribusiness: Understanding Key Drivers, Objectives, and Actions” (Advisor: Allan Gray; Placement: Director of Budgets & Analysis, The Wine Group, Tracy, CA).
- “Two Essays on Long-Run Objectives of the Family Farm” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: Faculty, University of Wisconsin: River Falls).
- “Long-Term Contracts for Commodity Biofuel Crops” (Advisor: Steven Yu-Ping Wu; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University. Current position: USDA-ERS).
- “Shopping Behavior in Food Retail Markets: Consumer Types and Methods” (Advisor: Susan Chen; Placement: Budget and Legislative Analyses, USDA).
- “A Stochastic Economic Analysis of Nitrogen Application Rates to Corn in Indiana: Decision-making in an Environment of Increased Volatility” (Advisor: Nicole Olynk; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Risk Versus Reward, A Financial Analysis of Contract Use Implications to the Miscanthus Lignocellulosic Supply Chain” (Advisor: Steven Wu; Placement: The Ohio State University College of Business).
- “A Sensitivity Analysis of the Lifecycle and Global Land Use Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions of U.S. Corn Ethanol Fuel” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University. 2nd placement: Research Professor, Purdue University).
- “Women, Goal Orientation, and Success: A Family Business Perspective” (Advisor: Maria Marshall; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University. 2nd placement: Research Economist, USDA ERS, Washington, DC).
- “Sustainable Floriculture Practices and Certification: Growers’ Barriers to Adoption” (Advisor: Jennifer Dennis; Placement: Community Development Regional Extension Educator, Purdue University).
- “Risk Management by Smallholder Farmers in the Mangochi District of Southern Malawi” (Advisor: Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer; Placement: USDA).
- “Assessment of the Reliability of Indiana’s Electricity Generation System” (Advisor: Paul V Preckel; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University).
- “Sales Training Impact Ratio: A Model for Evaluating and Managing Sales Training” (Advisor: Michael Boehlje and Scott Downey; Placement: Credit Analyst, Hickory Point Bank and Trust, Decatur, IL).
- “Performance and Risk of Agricultural Assets: A Time-Varying Approach” (Advisor: Tim Baker; Placement: Asset Manager, Cottonwood Ag Management, Greater Seattle Area).
- “Market Access, marketing Behavior and Technical Efficiency Among Farming Households in Mozambique” (Advisor: William Masters; Placement: Senior Analyst/Developer, American Airlines, Dallas, TX).
- “Cellulosic Biofuels Analysis: Case Study of Biofuel Comparison Economics and Road Infrastructure Impacts” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Owner, REI Capital Group, LLC and Operations Analysis Manager, Capital One, Chicago, IL).
- “Essays on Meat Demand in China” (Advisor: H. Holly Wang; Placement: PhD program, Purdue University. 2nd placement: Assistant Professor, Michigan State University).
- “Economic Analysis of the Potential of Cellulosic Biomass in France From Agricultural Residues and Energy Crops” (Advisor: Wallace Tyner; Placement: Bordeaux, France).
- “Input Suppliers’ Perception of Farmer Attitudes and the Influence on Financial Performance” (Advisor: Allan Gray; Placement: Analyst, Teays River Investments, LLC, Indianapolis, IN).
- "Organic and Conventional Agriculture: A Comparison of Conventional, Manure, and Legume Systems on Soil Carbon, Soil Nitrogen, Yield, and Economic Returns from a Long Term System in the Mid-Atlantic” (Advisor: Corinne Alexander; Placement: Quantitative Analyst, RAND Corporation).