Hicks' Grant opens door to travel and research opportunities for graduate students
M.S. Student, Gloria Lenfestey traveled to Fort Collins, Colorado to attend the National Farm Business Management Conference thanks to funding from the Jim and Neta Hicks Small Grant Program.
While in Fort Collins, Gloria listened to excellent speakers such as Dr. Temple Grandin and learned about the climate in Colorado, major commodities produced, and the importance of irrigation. She was also able to meet with numerous Farm Management Educators in Extension and received insight on their responsibilities and how they help U.S. farmers.
"The passion the Extension educators have to help producers was very encouraging, especially since I have the same career objective," said Gloria. "I also met up with Purdue Ag Econ alum, Dr. Courtney Bir for a hike, saw a large feedlot operation, and had dinner with my advisor, Dr. Langemeier and his wife Jane. It truly was a wonderful week and I am grateful I was given this opportunity."
The Hicks' Grant program is open to eligible graduate students in the department. Proposals are reviewed by a committee of faculty and evaluated based on the scholastic merit and academic characteristics of the applicant, overall research relevance and project feasibility. For more information on this grant opportunity or to submit a proposal, reach out to Dr. Nicole Widmar (nwidmar@purdue.edu).