Purdue Agricultural Economics Honors Program



Undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance (GPA: 3.0) will be invited to join the departmental honors program.

Required Courses

AGEC 375 ( 1 credit) / The Process of Economic Research

(Co-requisites: MA 224 and STAT ) 

AGEC 499 (5 credits) / Honors Thesis

Honors Thesis

Honors students complete a thesis under the supervision of a faculty mentor.  The thesis must be submitted to the honors program coordinator a month prior to graduation, and subsequently be presented to the department.


Honors Program Coordinator

Dr. Todd Kuethe, tkuethe@purdue.edu765-494-4251


Former Honors Students:

​Student ​Honors thesis title ​Advisor(s) ​Year
Austin Wright Dr. Mindy Mallory 2024
Chenyu Pan and Yingzhi Wang Dr. Michael Delgado 2024
Anqi Cui Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert 2024
Sydney Wheeler Who are the primary shoppers? An investigation of US households Dr. Brenna Ellison 2024
Gabi Paxson How does motivation impact feed purchases for show livestock participants Dr. Scott Downey 2024
Noah Berning Autonomy and Automation in Agriculture: A Market Outlook Dr. Scott Downey 2024

Jemima Baributsa

What factors influence the willingness to pay and consumption frequency of different meats for Chinese consumers?

Dr. Holly Wang 2023

Cai Chen

Forecasting county-level corn and soybean yield in the Midwest using a multivariate regression model

Dr. Mindy Mallory 2023

Ethan Buck ('24), Morgan Hinz ('24), Yuxi “Jimmy” Jiang ('23) and Xiuyun “Lisa” Wen ('23)

The Accuracy of USDA’s Retail Food Price Forecast

Dr. Todd Kuethe 2023
Grace Bolten Food Insecurity in Indiana Dr. Joseph Balagtas 2023
Lorenzo Alegria Aflatoxin MRL impacts on global reaction to trade shock Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert 2023
Josh Bailey Sources of Value for Agriculture from Space Exploration Technology Development Dr. Kajal Gulati 2023
Kendra Personett The COVID-19 Pandemic and Grocery Shopping Behavior: Who are the hybrid shoppers? Dr. Brenna Ellison 2023
MacKinley Cooksey The Use of Adjustment Strategies in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Owned Small Businesses Dr. Maria Marshall 2023
Jingjing Tao Quantifying “local food” online and social media in the United States for 2018–2021 Dr. Nicole Olynk Widmar 2022
Owen Coon Evaluating Expected Values of Breeding Strategies With and Without Bull Breeding Soundness Exams in Beef Cattle Herds Dr. Nicole Olynk Widmar 2022
Claire Baney Assessing Local Food Access: A Starter Kit for Communities Dr. Michael Wilcox 2022
Jaden Retter Technical Trading Systems in U.S. Commodity Futures Markets Dr. Mindy Mallory 2022
Jiahui Huang Research on the Impacts of Banning Plastic Straws in Catering Industry on Chinese Consumers’ Environmental Attitudes Dr. Jayson Lusk 2022
​Nick Bowser Attitudes Towards Healthy Eating Across Demographics ​Dr. Bhagyashree Katare 2021​
​Dane Erickson The Effect of Chronic Wasting Disease on Resident Deer Hunting Permit Demand in Wisconsin ​Dr. Carson Reeling ​2021
​Douglas Abney Web Scraping for Agricultural Related Jobs on Indeed.com An Analysis of the Agricultural Industry’s Job Market​ ​Dr. Todd Kuethe ​2021
​Mason Gordon Indiana’s Stellar Communities Designation: An Evaluation of a State Economic Development Program ​Dr. Michael Wilcox
Dr. Larry DeBoer
​Katriel Marks Analyzing Non-Legal Barriers to Women’s Land Ownership ​Dr. Rhonda Phillips ​2020
​Josephine Cameron ​Farm policy and foreign food aid: educating students and stakeholders on the Food for Progress program ​Dr. Roman Keeney ​2020
​Hillary Vrba The impact of stress on small business success after Hurricane Katrina ​Dr. Maria Marshall ​2020
Andrew Ahlersmeyer Examining the economic viability of corn after corn cropping systems in the United States corn belt ​Dr. Tim Baker
Dr. Bruce Erickson
​Jiyong Kwon ​The effect of Chinese consumer characteristics on the dining out behavior ​Dr. H. Holly Wang ​2020
​Jongho Bae ​Impact of the tariff between the U.S. and China on Soybean Prices and the U.S. Soybean Farmers ​Dr. Otto Doering ​2019
​Hao Tian ​An Empirical Study on Rebound Effect of Hybrid Vehicle​ ​Dr. Michael Delgado​ ​2018
​Shunpeng Wu ​Influence of import and export prices on grain market during bubble and non-bubble periods ​Dr. Michael Gunderson​ ​2018
​Lifeng Ren ​Immigrant Farm and Agricultural Entrepreneurship ​Dr. Bhagyashree Katare ​2018
Kezhou Miao Soft-Drink Consumption Trend in America, could the declining soft-drink consumption in America be applied to all population universally? Especially to children and adolescents. Dr. James Binkley 2017
Grant Gardner Predicting Generational Belonging on Farms Dr. Scott Downey 2017
Wesley Davis Further Insights from the Purdue University 2015 Performance Management in Agribusiness Survey Dr. Michael Gunderson 2017
Kurt Cheng The Impact of Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and Output Prices for Intermediate Livestock Farms Dr. Tim Baker 2017
Wuzheqian Xiao What Determines Urban Chinese Consumers' Shopping Outlets For Pork? Dr. Holly Wang 2016
Shelby Swain Farmer Cooperative Locations Related to Incomes in Indiana Dr. Michael Gunderson 2016
Thomas Fisher Civil War and Child Malnutrition in Nepal Dr. Jerry Shively 2016
Sarah Correll College Bound or Bound to Fail? Determinants of Indiana’s High School Graduation and College-Going Rates Dr. Larry DeBoer 2016
Katherine Chang The Power of Asking Questions: Do Belief, Goal and Need-Related Questions Shape People’s Preference towards a Product? Dr. Scott Downey 2016
Andrew Johnson Agricultural credit risk and the macroeconomy: Derteminants of Farm Credit Mid-America PD migrations Dr. Michael Boehlje 2015
Erin Whittaker The Fundamental Factors Affecting Corn Price from 1982-2013 Dr. Corinne Alexander May-14
Andrew Sokolchik Cannabis Farming: The Potential of Hemp in Indiana's Agricultural Landscape Dr. Michael Gunderson May-14
Anbo Wang Performance and Risk of Agricultural Assests: A Time-Varying Approach Dr. Tim Baker December-13
Celia Qijun Guan What Causes Teacher Turnover in Indiana Dr. Larry DeBoer May-13
Su Hua To Rent or To Own: The Residential Tenure Choices of Chinese Students in the U.S. Dr. Brigitte Waldorf May-12
Laura Bohlander The Influence and Relationship between Livestock Producers and Salespeople in the Feed and Animal Health Industry Dr. Alan Gray May-12
Amy Winter Living and Saving Green: An Economics Assessment of Purdue's Food Waste Handling System Dr. John Lee May-12
Jamie Steiner Helping or Hindering Education through School Consolidation: School Building Effects on District Costs and Student Achievement Dr. Larry DeBoer May-11
Renee Foltz The Methodology of Small Business Demise Information Recovery Dr. Maria Marshall May-11
Bailey Perry An Analysis of the Potential for Producer Profitability Given Changing Consumer Preferences for Pasture Dairying Dr. Nicole Olynk May-11
Carissa McCay Effect of Cooperatives Working Together: Herd Retirements on the U.S. Dairy Herd Size Dr. Joseph Balagtas May-11
Jing Hao Buyers' Cartels: An Empirical Study of Prevalence and Economic Characteristics Dr. John Connor May-11
Katharine Bartlett Effects of Cattle Density on FMD Spread Dr. Frank Dooley May-10
Sam Clark Transitioning to Organic Farming in Indiana Dr. Corinne Alexander May-10
Ryan Crane Management Strategies and Philosophies of Successful Farm Businesses Dr. Craig Dobbins May-09