Purdue Agricultural Economics Honors Program
Undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance (GPA: 3.0) will be invited to join the departmental honors program.
Required Courses
AGEC 375 ( 1 credit) / The Process of Economic Research
(Co-requisites: MA 224 and STAT )
AGEC 499 (5 credits) / Honors Thesis
Honors Thesis
Honors students complete a thesis under the supervision of a faculty mentor. The thesis must be submitted to the honors program coordinator a month prior to graduation, and subsequently be presented to the department.
Honors Program Coordinator
Dr. Todd Kuethe, tkuethe@purdue.edu, 765-494-4251
Former Honors Students:
Student | Honors thesis title | Advisor(s) | Year |
Austin Wright | Dr. Mindy Mallory | 2024 | |
Chenyu Pan and Yingzhi Wang | Dr. Michael Delgado | 2024 | |
Anqi Cui | Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | 2024 | |
Sydney Wheeler | Who are the primary shoppers? An investigation of US households | Dr. Brenna Ellison | 2024 |
Gabi Paxson | How does motivation impact feed purchases for show livestock participants | Dr. Scott Downey | 2024 |
Noah Berning | Autonomy and Automation in Agriculture: A Market Outlook | Dr. Scott Downey | 2024 |
Jemima Baributsa |
What factors influence the willingness to pay and consumption frequency of different meats for Chinese consumers? |
Dr. Holly Wang | 2023 |
Cai Chen |
Forecasting county-level corn and soybean yield in the Midwest using a multivariate regression model |
Dr. Mindy Mallory | 2023 |
Ethan Buck ('24), Morgan Hinz ('24), Yuxi “Jimmy” Jiang ('23) and Xiuyun “Lisa” Wen ('23) |
Dr. Todd Kuethe | 2023 | |
Grace Bolten | Food Insecurity in Indiana | Dr. Joseph Balagtas | 2023 |
Lorenzo Alegria | Aflatoxin MRL impacts on global reaction to trade shock | Dr. Jacob Ricker-Gilbert | 2023 |
Josh Bailey | Sources of Value for Agriculture from Space Exploration Technology Development | Dr. Kajal Gulati | 2023 |
Kendra Personett | The COVID-19 Pandemic and Grocery Shopping Behavior: Who are the hybrid shoppers? | Dr. Brenna Ellison | 2023 |
MacKinley Cooksey | The Use of Adjustment Strategies in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Owned Small Businesses | Dr. Maria Marshall | 2023 |
Jingjing Tao | Quantifying “local food” online and social media in the United States for 2018–2021 | Dr. Nicole Olynk Widmar | 2022 |
Owen Coon | Evaluating Expected Values of Breeding Strategies With and Without Bull Breeding Soundness Exams in Beef Cattle Herds | Dr. Nicole Olynk Widmar | 2022 |
Claire Baney | Assessing Local Food Access: A Starter Kit for Communities | Dr. Michael Wilcox | 2022 |
Jaden Retter | Technical Trading Systems in U.S. Commodity Futures Markets | Dr. Mindy Mallory | 2022 |
Jiahui Huang | Research on the Impacts of Banning Plastic Straws in Catering Industry on Chinese Consumers’ Environmental Attitudes | Dr. Jayson Lusk | 2022 |
Nick Bowser | Attitudes Towards Healthy Eating Across Demographics | Dr. Bhagyashree Katare | 2021 |
Dane Erickson | The Effect of Chronic Wasting Disease on Resident Deer Hunting Permit Demand in Wisconsin | Dr. Carson Reeling | 2021 |
Douglas Abney | Web Scraping for Agricultural Related Jobs on Indeed.com An Analysis of the Agricultural Industry’s Job Market | Dr. Todd Kuethe | 2021 |
Mason Gordon | Indiana’s Stellar Communities Designation: An Evaluation of a State Economic Development Program | Dr. Michael Wilcox Dr. Larry DeBoer |
2020 |
Katriel Marks | Analyzing Non-Legal Barriers to Women’s Land Ownership | Dr. Rhonda Phillips | 2020 |
Josephine Cameron | Farm policy and foreign food aid: educating students and stakeholders on the Food for Progress program | Dr. Roman Keeney | 2020 |
Hillary Vrba | The impact of stress on small business success after Hurricane Katrina | Dr. Maria Marshall | 2020 |
Andrew Ahlersmeyer | Examining the economic viability of corn after corn cropping systems in the United States corn belt | Dr. Tim Baker Dr. Bruce Erickson |
2020 |
Jiyong Kwon | The effect of Chinese consumer characteristics on the dining out behavior | Dr. H. Holly Wang | 2020 |
Jongho Bae | Impact of the tariff between the U.S. and China on Soybean Prices and the U.S. Soybean Farmers | Dr. Otto Doering | 2019 |
Hao Tian | An Empirical Study on Rebound Effect of Hybrid Vehicle | Dr. Michael Delgado | 2018 |
Shunpeng Wu | Influence of import and export prices on grain market during bubble and non-bubble periods | Dr. Michael Gunderson | 2018 |
Lifeng Ren | Immigrant Farm and Agricultural Entrepreneurship | Dr. Bhagyashree Katare | 2018 |
Kezhou Miao | Soft-Drink Consumption Trend in America, could the declining soft-drink consumption in America be applied to all population universally? Especially to children and adolescents. | Dr. James Binkley | 2017 |
Grant Gardner | Predicting Generational Belonging on Farms | Dr. Scott Downey | 2017 |
Wesley Davis | Further Insights from the Purdue University 2015 Performance Management in Agribusiness Survey | Dr. Michael Gunderson | 2017 |
Kurt Cheng | The Impact of Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and Output Prices for Intermediate Livestock Farms | Dr. Tim Baker | 2017 |
Wuzheqian Xiao | What Determines Urban Chinese Consumers' Shopping Outlets For Pork? | Dr. Holly Wang | 2016 |
Shelby Swain | Farmer Cooperative Locations Related to Incomes in Indiana | Dr. Michael Gunderson | 2016 |
Thomas Fisher | Civil War and Child Malnutrition in Nepal | Dr. Jerry Shively | 2016 |
Sarah Correll | College Bound or Bound to Fail? Determinants of Indiana’s High School Graduation and College-Going Rates | Dr. Larry DeBoer | 2016 |
Katherine Chang | The Power of Asking Questions: Do Belief, Goal and Need-Related Questions Shape People’s Preference towards a Product? | Dr. Scott Downey | 2016 |
Andrew Johnson | Agricultural credit risk and the macroeconomy: Derteminants of Farm Credit Mid-America PD migrations | Dr. Michael Boehlje | 2015 |
Erin Whittaker | The Fundamental Factors Affecting Corn Price from 1982-2013 | Dr. Corinne Alexander | May-14 |
Andrew Sokolchik | Cannabis Farming: The Potential of Hemp in Indiana's Agricultural Landscape | Dr. Michael Gunderson | May-14 |
Anbo Wang | Performance and Risk of Agricultural Assests: A Time-Varying Approach | Dr. Tim Baker | December-13 |
Celia Qijun Guan | What Causes Teacher Turnover in Indiana | Dr. Larry DeBoer | May-13 |
Su Hua | To Rent or To Own: The Residential Tenure Choices of Chinese Students in the U.S. | Dr. Brigitte Waldorf | May-12 |
Laura Bohlander | The Influence and Relationship between Livestock Producers and Salespeople in the Feed and Animal Health Industry | Dr. Alan Gray | May-12 |
Amy Winter | Living and Saving Green: An Economics Assessment of Purdue's Food Waste Handling System | Dr. John Lee | May-12 |
Jamie Steiner | Helping or Hindering Education through School Consolidation: School Building Effects on District Costs and Student Achievement | Dr. Larry DeBoer | May-11 |
Renee Foltz | The Methodology of Small Business Demise Information Recovery | Dr. Maria Marshall | May-11 |
Bailey Perry | An Analysis of the Potential for Producer Profitability Given Changing Consumer Preferences for Pasture Dairying | Dr. Nicole Olynk | May-11 |
Carissa McCay | Effect of Cooperatives Working Together: Herd Retirements on the U.S. Dairy Herd Size | Dr. Joseph Balagtas | May-11 |
Jing Hao | Buyers' Cartels: An Empirical Study of Prevalence and Economic Characteristics | Dr. John Connor | May-11 |
Katharine Bartlett | Effects of Cattle Density on FMD Spread | Dr. Frank Dooley | May-10 |
Sam Clark | Transitioning to Organic Farming in Indiana | Dr. Corinne Alexander | May-10 |
Ryan Crane | Management Strategies and Philosophies of Successful Farm Businesses | Dr. Craig Dobbins | May-09 |