California Native Takes Big Leaps, Pursues Passions and Creates Memories to Last a Lifetime
Ashley Porter
Hometown: Livermore, CA
Major & Concentration: Agribusiness, Finance
Minors or Certificates: Political Science
Why did you come to Purdue: When choosing a college I knew two things, I wanted to study Agriculture and get a different experience outside of California. Knowing that Purdue had an excellent College of Agriculture I came to visit, fell in love the campus and that was that.
Favorite Purdue tradition: Any Purdue sporting event

Top three influences at Purdue:
- ALL of the AGEC Advising Team
- Ag Week Task Force
- My friends and Indiana family
Top five memories of your time at Purdue:

- Sledding down Slayter in a Kiddy Pool
- 2022 sold out Grand Prix
- Boilermaker Football & Basketball games
- Singing obnoxiously on trips with the livestock judging team
- Late night Ag Week meetings
Places you have been as a Purdue student:
- Nebraska, Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma, Illinois (Livestock Judging Team)
- Missouri (AFA Conference)
- Kentucky, Tennessee (Internships)
Favorite club/organization: Ag Week Task Force

Favorite Student-led event/initiative: Ag Week
Favorite Purdue event: Grand Prix
Favorite Social Activity: Going to Harry’s with friends
Favorite place to study: Krannert
Favorite spot on campus: Sinninger Pond (the pond next to the Bell Tower)
Favorite thing about CoA: The College of Ag has provided me with a home away from home. I am grateful to have such a supportive faculty and staff as well as amazing peers.
Favorite thing about your major: I have not only been able to study multiple facets of Ag Business but also incorporate other aspects of agriculture into my studies.
Favorite class: AGEC 424
Favorite professor: Dr. Ellison
Three biggest accomplishments:
- Serving as Ag Week President
- Serving as Vice President of Purdue Grand Prix
- 2nd Runner up for the La Prix Scholarship

Things on your resume not listed above:
- Spending 2 awesome summer internships with Farm Credit Mid-America
- I spend most days working in the AGEC advising office!
- I am an Ag Econ Envoy J
- Ag Council
Where do you want to end up: In a space and location where I can open an agritourism center focusing on agriculture around all of the United States for elementary students.
Advice for underclassman: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr. Seuss

Biggest takeaway from Purdue: At the risk of sounding extremely cheesy, TAKE THE LEAP! The more you are able to push yourself outside of your comfort zone the more experiences and memories you will make.