Pursuing Passion, Exploring Careers and Creating Memories – AgEcon Senior Shares her Experiences as a Boilermaker
Name: Chyenne Deno
Hometown: Brook, IN
Major & Concentration: Sales and Marketing
Why did you come to Purdue: I saw how much pride students held for this university and wanted to be a part of that. I know this might sound cheesy, but I truly feel as if Purdue has been a second home for the woman I have grown to become.
Favorite Purdue tradition: My favorite Purdue tradition is jumping over the train tracks outside WALC at the beginning and end of your college career.
Top three influences at Purdue:
- Amy Cochran, Instructor and mentor
- The idea that Purdue brought me so many of my forever friends
- Jodie Thomas, Academic Advisor
Top five memories of your time at Purdue:
- Late night trips to the dining halls freshman year with my dorm roommate
- Doing a fountain run
- Seeing two students run through my freshman chemistry lecture hall dressed in gorilla suits
- Sledding down Slayter Hill in the wintertime
- A memory I will never forget is being able to take one of my best friend’s graduation pictures all over campus.
Places you have been as a Purdue student: As a Purdue student I have been able to travel to Kansas City several times in order to participate in the Agriculture Futures of America Leaders Conference.
Favorite club/organization: AFA
Favorite Student-led event/initiative: Ag Week
Favorite Purdue event: Grand Prix
Favorite Social Activity: Midnight Pancake Breakfast
Favorite place to study: Krannert
Favorite spot-on campus: Loeb Fountain
Favorite thing about CoA: My favorite thing about the CoA is that they truly care about student success. I have built such a strong friendship with my academic advisor and other CoA staff. The people within the CoA work to see you has a person and not just a student. On a campus so large I feel special because of the CoA.
Favorite thing about your major: The AG Econ advisors
Favorite class: FS 470
Coolest project: I loved the AGEC 331 Ready-Set-Sell project. I truly showed me how much I want to work in sales and with people.
Three biggest accomplishments:
- Working my way through school by juggling 2-3 jobs at once throughout my college experience.
- Being a TA for the AGEC 331 Class
- Working along side the winemaker at Carpenter Creek Cellars for 2 summers
Where do you want to end up: I have a goal to obtain a salesperson position within the Beer, Wine, and Spirit Industry.
Advice for underclassman: The advice I would give to underclassman would be don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself. There will be times you feel beyond stressed and it is okay to take a moment alone to digress.
Biggest takeaway from Purdue: During my time at Purdue, I can truly say I have made friends for life. The memories I was able to build with people will stick with me. Because of Purdue not only will I get to do what I love for the rest of my life; I will get to share it with people I love.