Boilermaker follows in family’s footsteps and pursues excellence in agriculture
Name: Stewart Douglas
Hometown: Flat Rock, IN
Major & Concentration: Agricultural Economics; Applied Commodity Marketing Concentration
Minors or Certificates: Crop Science Minor
Why did you come to Purdue: Coming from a very long line of Boilermakers, studying at Purdue has been a dream of mine since I was a little kid. Not to mention, Purdue has an outstanding agricultural program!
Favorite Purdue tradition: Sledding down Slayter Hill.
Top three influences at Purdue:
- Brothers of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity
- Members of the Alpha Fellowship Bible study group
- My professors within the College of Ag
Top five memories of your time at Purdue:
- Rushing the football field after beating No. 3 Michigan State
- Watching Purdue beat IU in Mackey
- Competing in Zeta’s BMOC talent show
- Being on AGR’s Grand Prix pit crew team
- Helping put on AGR’s Annual Steer Preview Show
Places you have been as a Purdue student: I have traveled all over Indiana, from Evansville all the way up to Bippus, IN, seeing different farming operations and visiting friends.
Favorite club/organization: Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity
Favorite Student-led event/initiative: Purdue’s Ag Council’s Ice Cream Social
Favorite Purdue event: Home Football Games
Favorite Social Activity: Moonlight Pancake Breakfast
Favorite place to study: Pharmacy Library
Favorite spot on campus: The front porch swing at 607 North University Street.
Favorite thing about CoA: How close you can become with your classmates, especially those within your major.
Favorite thing about your major: The diversity and broad spectrum of both electives and job opportunities that it offers.
Favorite class: AGRY 105
Favorite professor: Dr. Lee Schweitzer
Coolest project: Learning how to graph and then hedge ethanol crush spreads in AGEC 421
Three biggest accomplishments:
- Serving as AGR’s Scholarship chair and planning a scholarship dinner
- Earning a 4.0 GPA for multiple semesters
- Being nominated to apply for Outstanding Ag Econ student three years in a row
Things on your resume not listed above: I was Glenwood’s House Pet for two semesters in a row!
Where do you want to end up: I would eventually like to return home to work on the family farm.
Advice for underclassman: Meet and make connections with as many people as you can. Networking with others will take you farther in life than any other skill. The friendships you make while at Purdue will last a lifetime. Also, make sure to have fun and take time to enjoy undergrad!
Biggest takeaway from Purdue: Time really does fly when you are having fun!