Joining clubs lead to nationwide travel
Name: Kassidy Oliger
Hometown: Hagerstown, IN
Major and Concentration: Agribusiness - Management,
Minors and Certificate: Farm Management, Organizational Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
Why did you come to Purdue: When looking for a school, I wanted to choose a school that would allow me to pursue a high quality agriculture degree while also allowing me to experience the atmosphere and excitement of Big 10 Athletics. That made Purdue a no-brainer for me.
Favorite Purdue tradition: Getting Den Pops with my friends (sometimes more than once a week and always on Free Pop Fridays)
Top three influences for you at Purdue:
- The AGEC Advising Department: Brenna, Jo, Chrissie, Andy, LeeAnn, Malissa
- Club Advisors: Liz Byers-Doten, Allie Rieth, Dr. Mark Russell
- My best friends
Top five memories of your time at Purdue:
- Ice Cream runs and/or nights in with my roommates/best friends
- Spending spring break 2022 in Costa Rica for a Study Abroad
- Camping outside Mackey overnight to get Paint Crew tickets for Senior year
- Late nights and early mornings spent at the Purdue dairy with Dairy Club members preparing for Judging Invitational and/or other events
- Sigma Alpha Intramural Basketball, Bid Days, and Big/Little Reveals
Places you have been as a Purdue student:
- Costa Rica (Spring Break Study Abroad)
- Italy (Maymester Study Abroad)

- All over Western Pennsylvania (Merck Animal Health Cattle Field Sales Internship)
- Kansas City, MO (AFA Leaders Conference)
- Louisville, KY and Gettysburg, PA (Farm Credit Mid-America Scholars Program)
- Omaha, NE (Sigma Alpha National Convention)
Favorite club/organization at Purdue: Dairy Club & Sigma Alpha - I can't just choose one
Favorite student-led event/initiative: Ag Week (Milk Monday is my personal favorite day)
Favorite Purdue event: Grand Prix
Favorite Place: Mackey Arena
Favorite Place to Study: 5th Floor of Krannert in the AGEC Undergrad Advising Office
Favorite thing about the College of Ag: My favorite thing about the College of Ag is how small and tight knit the community is. I was really worried coming to a large school like Purdue that I would get lost like a little fish in a huge pond. Instead, because of the College of Ag, the opposite happened and I was able to find my place and my people in the College of Ag. Here professors know your name and your guaranteed to have a friendly face in almost all your classes because everyone cares enough to get to know each other.
Favorite Class: AGEC 411, Advanced Farm Management with Dr. Nathan Thompson
Favorite Professor: Dr. Ken Foster
What are your three biggest accomplishments at Purdue:
- Outstanding Freshman in the Department of Agricultural Economics
- Serving as President of Sigma Alpha and Dairy Club
- Being an Agricultural Economics Envoy and getting all the opportunities that have come with that
What is something about you that is not listed on your resume: I really enjoy being a part of the dairy industry and showing my dairy heifers. One of my favorite weeks is attending and showing at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI.
Have you accepted employment yet: I have not accepted employment. I want to end up somewhere in the Midwest in agriculture and serving farmers in some capacity.
What advice do you have for lower classmen: At the risk of being incredibly cheesy - don't be afraid to take a class, join a club, or go on a trip that seems out of your comfort zone. These are the places where you will learn the most, meet the most amazing people, and make the most incredible memories - I promise.
What is your biggest takeaway from Purdue:Connections. Not only did I make friendships that I know will last a lifetime, but throughout my time at Purdue I have made connections with professors, advisors, and industry professionals I know will be valuable to me well into my career.